
Friday, November 29, 2019

Arrange Direct Deposit With the Canada Revenue Agency

Arrange Direct Deposit With the Canada Revenue Agency The government of Canada has been pushing to phase out the use of paper checks for government payments. Those who havent yet enrolled in direct deposit can still receive paper checks, but the government is trying to move as many people as possible to the electronic option. Its an optional (but strongly recommended) perk for anyone receiving government checks of any kind. The Canadian government began its campaign to convert people to the direct deposit option beginning in 2012. It estimated that the cost of producing a check was around 80 cents while making a direct deposit payment costs the Canadian government about 10 cents. Government officials said they expected to save about $17 million annually with the conversion to direct deposit, and it would be a greener option as well. Government checks are still being sent by mail in Canada to people living in remote areas where there is little or no access to banks. The rest of the approximately 300 million government payments are being delivered via bank direct deposit. Like with payroll direct deposits, the funds from Canadian programs are made available immediately upon issue, instead of the recipient having to wait for the check to arrive in the mail. The Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) handles payments for a variety of different programs, and all are eligible for direct deposit payments. The list includes: Canadian income tax refundsGST/HST credit and any related provincial paymentsworking income tax benefit (WITB) advance paymentsCanada child tax benefit (CCTB) payments and related provincial paymentsUniversal child care benefit (UCCB) payments Change in Personal Information There are several ways Canadians can request direct deposit of these payments or to inform the CRA of a change in their bank or mailing information, which is required. You can use the My Account Tax Service online or send your income tax return by mail. Canadians can complete a Direct Deposit Enrollment form at any time, and send it via the mail. If you prefer to update your information by phone, call 1-800-959-8281. You can get help completing the direct deposit information, starting or canceling the service, changing your banking information or adding other payments to an existing direct deposit account. Notify the CRA as soon as possible about a change in address or your payments, either by direct deposit or mail, may be interrupted. You must also notify the CRA as soon as possible if you change your bank account. Do not close the old bank account until you have received a payment in the new one. Direct Deposit Not Required When it first began the push toward direct deposit, there was some confusion about whether it was going to be required for Canadian government payments. But those who prefer to receive paper checks may continue to do so. The government wont be phasing out paper checks entirely. If youre not interested in the program, simply dont enroll.

Monday, November 25, 2019

The Economic Causes of Migration Essays

The Economic Causes of Migration Essays The Economic Causes of Migration Paper The Economic Causes of Migration Paper Reasons for the massive economic growth were skilled labor as many people chose to emigrate from the former East German regions into West Germany. The monetary reform was another reason for the growth as well as the Korean War In as Germany had little production costs and was capable export war equipment to Korea which doubled the German export numbers. In order to cover the demand of manpower Germany started to recruit workers from Mediterranean countries like Spain, Greece and Italy. Due to the construction of the Berlin Wall in 1961 East German people could no longer enter to West Germany. In the beginning of the 19th Turkey experienced unemployment, therefore the Turkish government started the Initiative of asking Germany to also recruit people room Turkey as guest workers. On the 30th of Cot 1961 Turkey and Germany signed a convention that Germany will hire labor from Turkey. Advantages for the host/ receiver country Disadvantages fort he host/receiver contractors Advantages fort he donor/losing country Disadvantages for the donor/losing country Cultural advantages such as new foods, music and pastimes Birth rate may lower as people of childbearing age leave Social Less strain on services such as health care due to out migration of the economically active cohort. Loss of a family member (usually male). This impacts on the population structure of the country. Germany has the need to become more international ( offer language classes, build moss etc) Society has to deal with enemies and opponents of immigrants. Social People call for their family members to Join them in Germany to have a better life People get to experience a different religion Challenge in society to Increase acceptance and respect of different lifestyle and deferent values ( man has higher value than a woman) Social Society improves networking due to exchange of Information between family members In two different countries Many people feel that they do not belong to neither country, they ace a loss of identity More people in the country leads to more people who pay taxes Turkish workers who loose their job in Germany need to be supported by the German state Economic Germans choose to visit turkey for their vacation; the strong relationship made turkey a tourist destination. Million German vaulted turkey In 2011 More people are In Germany who also spend their money Many Immigrants have a lower level of education than German people, as they come from poor regions rather that modern cities Economic People who return home will come with better education and new knowledge Salary in turkey will increase due to shortage of manpower Immigrant distant themselves and build their own communities within a city rather than Including themselves into the society Economic Loss of people will lead to technological Improvement. ( e. G. Instead AT security man a camera will De installed) People will earn more because fewer people apply for vacant positions. Companies face a salary increase. Turkish People in Germany have no political rights unless they get the German citizenship. A healthy political situation needs the majority of the society to vote Political Turkey needs German support to become a ember of European Union Germany needs more immigrants to keep the social standard as the German people do not have enough children Some Turkish people resist to integrate themselves into the German society Political More than any other cultural value, the Islam is regarded as the number one main difference between the German and the Turkish population Cultural Strong cultural exchange in art, media, youth, science etc. A close cooperation between ministries show a friendship between those two countries In German work places and schools the German culture dominates. Some people cannot pray during pray time or wear headscarves. In the past years the Turkish community has shown more radical views, 72 % believe the Islam is the only true religion Other Decrease of unemployment. With more than 25 Millard Euro of bilateral commercial exchange, Germany becomes Turkeys first and most important partner In Germany many people believe that German citizens do not find a place to work due to people including Turks who live in Germany. This is clearly not the case. Also I found it interesting that the German society consists of more old people and have a small young generation whereas immigrants are young people and have a small percentage of elderly family members.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Accountant's case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Accountant's - Case Study Example He was advised that it would be possible to have his existing machines upgraded so that they could perform more complicated programmes and decided to go ahead with this. In March Blake received a circular from Watt A. Racket plc, a company specialising in computer maintenance and upgrading of a variety of different computers including his Apropex X18s. This circular contained details of the cost of upgrading and at the bottom of the first page there was a picture of a small red hand together with the words "see last page" in feint black print. On the final page of this six page circular, in a central position, there was a box containing the following words:"The Company undertakes no responsibility of any kind for any loss damage, injury or depreciation in value arising (regardless of cause) during maintenance or upgrading operations. Customers are advised to take out independent insurance". Blake was impressed at the reasonable charges quoted and failed to notice this clause. He imme diately telephoned Racket plc and engaged their services to upgrade three computers. He was told that a confirmation of his order would be sent immediately. The confirmation, which Blake read, arrived the following day and stated that "All work is subject to conditions set out in the company's circular". When Racket plc came to collect the computers, one of them was dropped onto Blake's foot by a Racket employee. The second computer was destroyed by a fire at the warehouse, which was started inadvertently by another Racket employee, and the third computer was returned with an irreparable defect and cannot be used by Blake. According to general rules of contract law pertaining to offer, acceptance and consideration it can be said that if A makes a proposal to B it will be considered as an offer extended from A to B and if B says yes to the offer made by A then the offer will be considered as accepted. The offer will now be called as a Promise in contractual terms and 'A' will be called the 'promisor and 'B' who has accepted the offer/proposal will be called the 'promisee'. According to Atiyah,Essays on contract(1986) 'Consideration is the doctrine to establish which promises should be legally enforceable'. Also in 'Currie v. Misa(1875)L.R.10Ex.153,at p.162' Lush J. stated: A valuable consideration, in the sense of the law, may consist in some right, interest, profit, or benefit accruing to the one party, or some forbearance, detriment, loss, or responsibility given, suffered, or undertaken by the other. Every promise and every set of promises, forming the consideration for each other, is an agreement; and afterwards it culminates in to contract. Consent given should always be free consent in terms of that it should not have been obtained through any fraud, by employing coercion, exerting undue influence or through misrepresentation of facts. These basic rules of offer, acceptance and invitation to treat etc are amply illustrated in the cases 'Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain v. Boots Cash Chemicals Ltd.(1952)2 Q.B.795' and 'Felthouse v. Bindley(1862)6L.T.157' and also in 'Fisher v. Bell (1961) 1Q.B. 394' The acceptance must assent unequivocally and without qualification to the terms of the offer. The acceptance may also be qualified by reference to the preparation of a more formal contract or by reference to terms, which have still to be negotiated. In this case as it appears on the face of it that Blake on the sending of circular by Watt A that can be taken as invitation to treat offered them to buy computers from them, that the company accepted subject to some terms and conditions. So broadly construing the terms of the contract it seems that they bind Blake. Especially in view of Thompson v. London, Midland and Scottish Ry. Co. [1930] 1

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

ESSAY of POETRY ANALYSIS Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Of POETRY ANALYSIS - Essay Example Notice how the author subtly uses the word ‘try’ at the beginning of the title. The statement seems more like a gentle plea, a provocation on the part of the author toward victims and people affected by the tragedy (Zagajewski) – signifies how we ought to discover beauty amidst the myriad occurrences, so tragic and mutilating, not only of environments and systems, but also of the fabric of inner harmony. There is an innate optimism and forbearance in the theme of the title. Zagajewski talks about ‘praise’ and not mere tolerance. This implies that there is a need to transcend circumstances, and through transcendence peace is found, no matter how seemingly damaged or ‘mutilated’ the circumstances or environment might seem. There is an allusion to â€Å"June’s ‘long’ days† transporting one to a moment in the past, when there was leisure and a sense of lightheartedness. An almost sensual image is being painted, wherein ‘wild strawberries, drops of wine, the dew’ (Zagajewski) all combine to create an experience of beauty and extravagant indulgence in life’s finer aspects. The tone is turns slightly morose, where there is a reference to â€Å"nettles that methodically overgrow† (Zagajewski) Nettles are flowering plants, but also have stinging hairs on their stems. While the nettle produces something as beautiful as a flower, it also has the hidden potential of killing and destruction. There is an implication here that, the world, no matter how ‘toxic’ is filled with pockets of ‘flowers’ and it is up to us to identify and focus on that which is beautiful in the world. The repetition of the title here has an undertone of an inst ruction. This verse indicates the dualities, the opposites, and the inseparable tragedy in luxury. â€Å"†¦.stylish yachts and ships† (Zagajewski) are images used to either explain themselves in all their opulence, or represent the people in fancy suits and offices in the WTC, just before the 9/11

Monday, November 18, 2019

Gasoline Prices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Gasoline Prices - Research Paper Example I hypothesize that bright sunny weather causes gas prices to increase. To conduct this study, data was gathered from the Seattle Queen Ann weather station available from the Weather Underground. The solar data that was used was the peak amount of solar energy during the day, which was used as an indicator of whether the day was sunny or cloudy. Gasoline prices were taken from Seattle Gas Prices, a web site that monitors and records the daily price of gas in Seattle. For this study, a two-month period from November 15, 2008 to January 15, 2009 was used. The two variables were plotted using Microsoft Excel and is presented in a graph as Figure 1. A logarithmic trend line was used on the solar energy variable to average out the swings in the data. If the hypothesis is true, the trend line for gas prices should follow the trend line for solar energy. As can be seen in Figure 1, the relative gas price generally follows the logarithmic daily solar energy line from mid November to January 1, 2009. During the first week of January, there is some divergence, and the hypothesis does not hold true during this period. However, during the second week of January both the solar energy and the gas prices level out and again begin to prove the hypothesis true.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Overview of Christian Religious Education Approaches

Overview of Christian Religious Education Approaches Introduction The aim of this essay is to examine the definition of Christian religious education with a view to uncover the various traditional, theological and biblical approaches and practices in local churches. It will also explore its application and impact on youth development and its failure in the light of youth violence and ungodliness. Christian religious education is defined as the process where by Christian learning takes place. It often involves teaching which enables practicing Christians to adopt and deepen their Christian belief, values and dispositions to experience and act in a Christian way. It depends to a greater extent on how this process is adopted and practiced in different churches. Different practices in Christian education in local churches At some degree of certainty that all Christian churches have a similar aims and practices. The liturgical aspect is of paramount importance in the Trinitarian belief and practices in that it serves as introduction to what Christianity is all about. This is where the process of Cognitive learning takes places it involves the worship service where hymns are sang, lessons extracted from the books of the bible are read, sermon often punctuated with exhortation, admonishment and instruction in righteous living is delivered and prayers are said. It also involves the celebration of the holy Eucharist which Jesus Christ himself, recognized as the head of the church, initiated based on experience acquired in the worship service, it can be seen as Christian religious education is a confessional churchly activity of evangelism, instruction and nurture. I assure that Youth are the most critical of all critics when it comes to religion. Today, common inhabitants do pray and accept the holiness in church for Christ which they are aware that Christ constitutes the sacred bread and wine, but do not entirely act upon worshipping and fail to confront the thoughts and feelings to masses which would spread dignity of godliness among selves. The moral lies in the fact that this creates lackness to reach spiritual beliefs through worship and liturgy resulting in declination the faith which affects the divine nature approaching positivity. Christian education is a vital important part in youth development. For Christian education to be explored, generation of today should be brought into contact through various practices. In the early centuries, reformers emphasized and trusted true faith and doctrines, to change and reform behaviour as the only solution for salvation in Christian education. Christian school movements prove a challenge as a messenger to convey gods given mission and honour god. Traditional approach This approach was practiced since many decades and is still continued to be practiced which helps in binding and governing the ethics and morality within the religion and belief. Since beginning described, in leaving our homeland to teach the gospels throughout the world through scriptures, god conveyed his message by sending his son Jesus for us, the Holy Spirit, the Holy Church, and Baptism for building unity. Christianity consists of three things Religious faith, way of life and community of mankind towards salvation are most important. The most vital of all belief preached is that there is only one god. The term Christian does not imply on the fact that a Christian should grow up in a Christian community, but precisely accepts Christian faith and belief, follows and leads the path of life on which Jesus walked on and made mankind accept Christian community through involvement and participation physically and mentally, as a result, traditional approach is how the local churches and preachers go about conducting their services. The apostles creed was apparently developed to summarize the Christian doctrine for man who baptised himself. Theological and Biblical approach This approach is regarded as an abstract discipline which teaches what bible is written. It is the study of god expressing gods thought. The movement of bible indicates the doctrines to the kerygma to didache, to theological ethics, to revealed truth, to the way of living in Christian community. Gods salvation to the world, worshipping the holy spirit, baptizing people in the name of god, preaching gospels as the word of god, share Christs own body and blood as bread and wine in holy communion, repenting and confessing gods forgiveness etc are the concepts of theological and biblical foundation to Christian education. Even though mankind is aware but fail to involve due to the increasing evil and greed. The service is organized to accept the call of god and to love him and others and which aims to gather people to worship him in return allowing him to take control over the world and through his presence spread peace, righteousness, justice, joy and helps in the growth of the life in an individual through increased faith. Activities organized and performed in different local churches through to these practices Some churches develop the initiative of the worshippers by confessing their faith in the words of the apostle creed. Each activity is correlated and composes a range of varied elements. Their current activities reflect the lives of an individual and drive them for a purpose through various numbers of activities to attain a better quality of life. Due to activities, all age group gain variety of skills through many spiritual centred activities. Church acts as an interpreter between god and the worshippers to support in training the composition of these activities which are far more complex to solve a disturbed youth. They have to thereby standardize their curriculum and activities in regards to implement it. Different denominations organize activities to resolve the aim therefore to meet the need of the youth. Curriculum should be more focused than just on providing knowledge. Activities are necessarily planned to build youth commitment. I believe it is necessary to reach them, i.e. train them to be strong future leaders. They should be kept one step ahead, for their life is very challenging. I believe that the best way to outreach youths mind is to be a youth like them to understand their psychology as it differs from every individual. The same activities do get affected as the youth is choosy and subtle. Changing activities for tomorrow Here the question is voiced that, what substantial change can be brought apart from the current activities to eradicate the above upcoming and dynamic problems in nature with respect to behavioural management or of what medication of healing would work out. I would comment, the activities in the practices should be expanded and conduct likewise programmes workshops on educating purity before marriage, sex, child abuse, exploitation, rape, adultery, adolescence sex, teenage mothers, drugs addiction, aids, and divorce. Workshops, seminars for sex, abuse, peer mentoring, identifying preventive measures instead of curative measures targeting the social, political and the economical factors would be effective for incorporating the overall issues to bring the insight of the good and evil sides of every consequence, discussion on essential real life skills. Our goal is to create world changers, inviting the sacrifiers of evil and giving and sharing healthy priorities to save ourselves and the world, before it becomes a terrible fate and a debt for our own selves. As the world is in unsafe fists of crime, terrorism, corruption, violence, youth have been diverted to a fast-paced and expects instant opportunities. Perhaps, the approaches of these local activities tend to be helpful and may bring positive results but I still feel that there is something missing, to monitor the youth from within. In an article Practical: The Role of the Full-Time Youth Pastor in the Local Church, by Graeme Codrington, Denomination: Baptist (All), submitted on, May 18, 1997, states that, In a world that is so busy, and demands so much of all of its inhabitants, young people need a secure environment, where they can experiment and decide who they want to be. They need significant people to be there to help them through this process. They need role models to follow. Above statement eventually satisfies the fact that these folks are craving for friendly support socially and for stimulation. Overall factors which conglomerate are peers, parents, teachers, church members and Christian community. All factors rely on one common feature which constitutes leadership. Ironically, most youth do understand the surrounding factors but the factors themselves become tough unknowingly that they cant quite control the situation which then becomes too late to recover. The task is questioned commonly as what kind of leader a person should be to prove creditability and capability to influence the youth to pursue the direction towards god? In an article again stated by, Graeme Codrington, Denomination: Baptist (All), Practical: The Role of the Full-Time Youth Pastor in the Local Church, submitted on, May 18, 1997, Young people are not just little adults (cf. Elkind 1984:18). They are complex individuals who are battling to deal with the awesome transformation of their bodies, minds, and emotions. They are in a time of transition and growth, developing from the birthed bundle of potential to a fully integrated, functional member of society. The church is in a unique position to assist in this process. Church as a role model fosters spiritual growth in every youth making them responsible to participate in Christian faith; she is a sign for an entrance of the gods kingdom to the world of salvation, repentance, justice and peace to bring equality. She struggles hard and performs her duties wholly and solemnly reminds parents to structure their offsprings life in Christian formation. Church members acting as supporters, preach to establish and to promote a platform and share to encourage several types of civic, cultural, religious educational associations. In an article by Arthur Paul Boer What must a Pastor know? Reflection on Congregational studies defines on writer James Hopewells statement saying beyond the embarrassment. He has also observed that churches are sometimes chagrined by the change of hypocrisy and lament that they cannot measure upto ideals of Christian community. Writer James Hopewell referred by Arthur Paul Boer notes that Christian leaders are incharge and build a church thereby rise in hypocrites. I observe practically that, though the world is changing, church strategy is also changing in complementing the growth. It still targets the set mission. Even though, somewhere in the corner hypocrites do exist but church leaders aim to find out what is the outcome in the people from the traditional, theological and biblical practices. Perhaps according my research, I suggest they experiment bringing out good approaches to youths growth. Instead of the current activities followed in churches I would want to suggest the approach can be focused to bring in the outcome irrespective to exploration and innovation of ideas and thoughts for internal and external behaviour of an individual related to the surroundings around him, deepening of commitments to the teaching, provide opportunities to analyse socially and theologically and viewing his life in a theological manner. To build a framework of an activity consist of to have an experience like us, to sense new boundaries by exploring new links to every Christian among themselves and to god across social and cultural boundaries. In addition, exploration and inventive programmes can be executed to judge youths spirituality. Daily opportunities resulting in disorientation gets support through mission of god. Integration conceptual activities also can help in building and to capture a born leader. Church leader serves them as task leaders in the corrosion and freeing the task of a disconnected mind by planning tactics and dividing the burden of others through consultation. As the purpose is commitment, to serve the lost, skill based leadership formation training programmes can be organized to develop an effective leader so as to sustain the capability and capacity of the leader to solve the complaints lies in the dimensions of the ability. Workshops on intersections to shape boundaries of an individual and communities through theological and biblical language, symbols, and rituals to attain certain centered objectives. As growth of globalization is tremendous, these leaders come across and face new opportunities and challenges. I believe they help in building an integral performance in conducting entrepreneurial business-based activities, describing the activities because youths mind is business-oriented, therefore the activities are to be structured keeping business in mind involving biblical and theological approaches with the existing resources for a business oriented youth. They tend to produce facilitate management sources to sustain and develop faith and love. When the youth develops a church from within, he will be able to observe and analyse the holistic environment. The activities require presence of not only church members but also worshippers for youth development in successful implementation of these practices. Some worshippers form in small groups, some large varied to race culture. Arthur Paul Boer also examines simultaneously that when a group of pastors were having service of congregation, one among them exclaimed in deep breath It showed me Im not alone. So often in our churches we berate ourselves for problems we face: not enough men, too few youth, preponderance of a certain race or culture. He is clear with the fact that a single person fails, unity increases strength. We ourselves give birth to a problem and then strive hard to face it because as there are few leaders left to catch a grip to support a large community. Due to less number of youth, less support is achieved to sustain the laws and policies of the church and unable to accomplish gods mission. It is not only one who contributes but many. Above mentioned statement It showe d me Im not alone expresses that each race and culture form their own group; build small churches for their own community within their own boundaries, where god expects togetherness, wholeness. It requires lot of efforts to help small churches grow whereas large church with mass contribution grows as their already exist efforts in large numbers which take over the chained actions for development. Whether single church group or many, big or small, the development is important. On this contradiction, I would suggest that this also includes that in small group the development is paid more attention and given a close eye, problems are spotted quickly and easily to meet the challenges. No matter how large or small challenges occur, the way we approach it is unique and comprehensive as this brings out effects of development in the youth. Whereas in large it becomes difficult to assist as there are more than one individuals. Due to small groups according to races and culture, differentiation exists. But the important criterion is group commitment and work effort in all sets of practice for congregations in any race or culture for a healthy youth so that to accomplish gods mission. As a result both objectives are co-related to each other. To understand the nature of Christian youth it is a very distinguished and a unique phenomenon. Due to the increasing issues of peer pressure, this has led to the obstruction in the development of youth. There are negative as well as positive aspects of it. Negative aspects influence a weaker mind. It is the most consistent findings revealed in observation. Due to the inquisitive innocence, an innocent becomes a prey of the negative aspect, thereby exploited and develops an evil companionship where he adopts negative qualities and habits. But there is positive aspects as in there are some groups who work towards peer relationship. Here innocent gets an opportunity to identify his fear, weakness and have control over his own power. The peer mentors play the part in organizing programmes to understand the behaviour. They interact with the teens and open lines of communication, build up action plans to change the behaviour by using the discipline skills wherever necessary. As church mem bers play an integrate role, it is a challenge for them to develop the youth and make Christian education reachable to them. Teachers are responsible preachers. Youth growth depends on a teacher infact they are the true facilitators of our learning, are Baptist figures and true authors of an individuals life book. They also act as the resource developer and planner setting the curriculum for the healthy growth of an individual, depending how the curriculum is designed with the kind and level of leadership skills to recognize the youth psychology. Parents play a significant role in Christian education. They are the promising leaders which shape up Christianity, infact are the real teachers of Christian education. Parents act as a moral standard and support, therefore can synchronize to their growing youth to be aware from their early hood to gain knowledge in Christian faith and this is done when they themselves too experience a fullness of church. Misunderstandings and miscommunication between parents and their children are one of the issues which follow breakings in the development of the youth. Due to parents own principles, for respect and love of family values often creates harmness to the childrens growth which tempts them to behave against them. Thus youth becomes a totalitarian of his own life by going against the values and ethics and unknowingly gets stucked in the torturous situations. Most Christian youth, fail to act upon the 10 commandments of bible. must say, I myself as a youth in my real life experience have observed that the originality of the commandments has changed excessively and replaced with the following: Thou must worship money Thou must lyrically murder Thou must have evil possession Thou must have sex Thou must enjoy drug addiction Thou must prosper, worship own self Thou must not feel guilty Thou must have no respect for ancestral values Thou must not serve, sacrifice Thou must differentiate Due to the above, youth fails to feel guilty in which guiltness is a part of our conscience creating a false belief system as an obstacle in his maturity and creating structure of his own. Under such circumstances he avoids promoting prayer, sacrifice, grace, redemption, worship and meditation, atonement. Considering money and sex are the only two things reliable to satisfy the needs, creating a limitation and a boundary for establishing personal spiritual growth and development. In general terms, when the efforts of religious and educational institutions, society lack to perform the planned task for Christian education, a positive approach is expected and constructed to gain knowledge and teaching through parents and teachers. Youth must be aware of guiltiness which is a gift from god to help us in being and doing well. Still the question is raised in a Journal: Volume 5 Number 4, October 2003 by Author Charlene Tan, Can Christian teachers and parents teach Christian beliefs without indoctrinating their students and children? Yes, they can teach Christian beliefs without indoctrinating their students and children they need to be careful when a child is to be handled as their minds are immature. At times it is difficult to understand them because their way of thinking is varied. Firstly before going to the next process, the first process has to be resolved. As teachers and parents are the role models for the development. In order to develop and understand these three role models should be systematically developed first. Only by abiding this rule, they can achieve the development in child. But the point lies beneath that how teachers and parents can prove themselves as an effective source of development by keeping in mind the relative factor of Childs mind compatibility and psychology? As there are variations in psychological behavior teachers and parents should be mentally prepared, be changeable and adjustment oriented accordingly. The political and current affair of the nation is affected by corruption and evilness rationally which gave birth to vivid factors like jealousy, modesty and so on, making humans built a tendency to mislead the positive factors. The situations have made the teachers adapt those inequalities within them, affecting the surrounding factors. Parents have too due to their increasing self priority created barriers of understanding among their families. Many people are often drawn towards the attention of the church because of their felt needs and not for spiritual needs. For instance, it does occur that why the youth is tuned out of his own way? Even in their interaction with their own members it tends to happen with them that they fail to hear a word said to them stating I didnt hear a word you said?, even though it is obvious that they have said something relating to us. This proves a kind of negligence in contacting the positive mechanism which grows in the back of our minds. Such system blocks all the wanted and useful messages allowing us to hear and see only what our mind tells us to hear and believe. As this tendency is increased in the youth generation, it is creating gaps between a believer and faith of god. The question is How? How can we overcome this problem? Youth have themselves developed a capacity in mind to hear only what pleasures them without taking a decision that whether it is false or truth. My query is How we can bring these groups of youth closer to god? Unconsciously resulting in unexpected calamities and unknowingly they are unable to repent it wisely. Due to this increasing factor, youth cant get a grip of effective communication and develop themselves internally. Here the parents then enter the scene to play their role. The main question lies whether the local churches fulfill and meet to mature disciples in Christian education? As stated above, youth are the most critical of all critics when it comes to religion. In this modern era, youth is distracted to church because they are building castles in air due to the unmaterialistic desire. Youth today have focused their vision to crave success and prosperity for their rising life graph; they exploit their own ones due to greed and selfishness. During the primary phase of struggle and hard work, youth craves to achieve prosperity, at the same time, do thank god and accept his involvement for success, but hand in hand, lack to follow the bibles ethics which says to respect others in and with unity. Due to the competition and growth politically, more often youth seem to push the fellow mates and strive to takeover their place. They themselves are unaware that they give birth to exploitation and inequality. And due to inequality, unity is declined, wherein bible does not specify inequality. In a book source, Pastor Rick Warren illustrates in his book The Purpos e-Driven Church -The issue is church health, not church growth! declares warren. if your church is healthy, growth will occur naturally. Healthy consistent growth is the result of balancing the five biblical purposes of the church. In addition to this he also declares that If u concentrate on building people, God will build the church. I agree at a certain point with the above statement. I herewith would want to magnify on How would one build a healthy youth for a healthy church? In this sense I believe that both are co-related with each other. Again the issue arises in my mind How will the church be healthy if the youth is unhealthy? The issue cant be only concentrated on church. For a church to survive, the basic foundation is the youth and for the youth to be saved and attracted the church has to be healthy. In my knowledge it is a Vicious Circle. Local churches upto some extent do specifically fulfill the discipleship through the practices and play a great emphasis in fulfilling and conveying the message of god to us, but still lack to read the minds and bring the youth closer to her, for which she has to upgrade her atmospheric appearance with new packages to reach the youth in a new taste due to the competitive modernism which is hovering on the youth. The latter part can play the best part coz when first falls in place, everything else falls in place, from the beginning to the end, from all angles in all walks of life. Towards a healthy faith, healthy church can turn and seed a growth of spirituality through which mankind will grow spiritually from within thereby causing church growth. Author Perry G. Down states in his book Teaching for spiritual growth that how can we best enable Christians to grow towards maturity? For this question he suggests three key concepts- ministry, believer, and purpose. But my understanding says that these concepts are incomplete somewhere to create a bond in reaching the results because todays youth is attracted towards the unrealistic worldly matters, but has resulted in declination towards the gods spiritual growth. The major role connecting these three concepts is commitment and effort. As the church ministry is the foundation pillar, the main aim is how much measure of commitment is valued and given to achieve the target successfully. Mankind is able to commit only when he chooses the right direction in fear and is able but this is unfortunate as the alien world tend to let us unidentify the type of strategies of growth for maturity. By identifying the type of strategies of growth, we can understand the level of growth required t owards maturity at which we can be spiritual. Another reason for in growth is fear. As the youth fears to face unexpected problems, the efforts are less and require the hierarchys support. Author Gary C. Newton stated in his book Going towards spiritual maturity quotes the principle that God is ultimately responsible for all spiritual growth. The question arises at this point that if god is responsible for everything, what will be the purpose and role of human? I comment that while god supplies the resources like bible, church, Holy Spirit, baptism, it is also our responsibility to supply effort and commitment to utilize those resources and give results to god. In bible, Paul highlights this principle of his personal lifestyle and in his teachings comparing with the example of a soldier or athlete to illustrate the amount of sincerity and efforts. (1 Corinthians 9:24-27), Paul states that In a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize. I herewith conclude in a Christian race all runners (ministry, believers, purpose) will fail to get a prize if there is no effort that is commitment from everyone. Along with the concept of ministry, believer, purpose; effort is also the key concept and it has to be achieved from the youth as well. A healthy youth will gain efforts only when the growth will favour them from within, when the forces of the ministry believers and youth will collide with each other to form a healthy growth. This will create a mutual relationship between gods provisional resources and our active involvement in process which is more clearly in Philippians 2:12-13: Continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, for it is god who works in you to will and to act according to his good purpose. This principle is intricate but the application is clear. If one is to grow towards maturity in Christ then one must cultivate and demonstrate the efforts with passion, Philippians 2:17-18: But even if I am being poured out like a drink offering on the sacrifice and service coming from your faith, I am glad and rejoice with all of you. So you be glad and rejoice with me. Therefore the conclusion lies in the above concept, both; effort of the youth along with the work of ministry, believers proves in the healthiness of the church. In the book Youth At Risk by Peter Christian Olsen, 2003, he highlights four basic needs which he has clearly created an awareness of the effects that affects the development of youth: Acceptance belonging New beginnings and second chances forgiveness Significance generosity Freedom independence I agree with his confirmation that he examines in deriving the above developmental needs from the provision of the Almightys resources as the absence of these needs do intentionally contribute in how they shape the personality, maturity, responsibility and stability of emotions. He emphasizes Christian community in respond to the needs determining that, the resources will be polishing youth through support during the fear and avoid them from destruction. At times the concepts will be foreign, indigestive for youth because unable to realize its importance. Rather the community need not re-interpret or change the language but simplify their thoughts and improve their visionary and understanding by change in structure through a friendly communication by becoming an effective leader to bridge the gap between the church and the youth. Therefore forces and efforts are needed for decision making which is an effective key in respond to ministry believer and purpose for a possibility of a hea lthy youth to build a healthy church, which will make the church flourish. Supporting surveys According to a survey, some findings proved that church fails to answer every question of the youth. Q.1 In what way and sense is Christian religion, faith and church viewed by todays modern youth? Youth of todays modern era is firm on the point stating that inspiration is lacked in religion; they feel that the world is divided through religion and is the major factor which is affecting the growth. A 17-year-old Jude from Kent says confidently that He does not agree with the church who talks on subject morality and is Overfilled with traditionality. Youth pick their ideas which suit their taste through various religious beliefs. There are few in bunch who strongly believe, there exist only single religion which has controlled the truth. Young generation refer to perform all activities as per their own desire which in return less importance to the religious belief are being given, which gives birth to the side effects of the conduct. Q.2 Why do young crowd feel that Christianity is not a happening cultural activity? An 18-year-old Marcus said that he left church when he was 15 because the teachings did not amuse him and it did not interest him of anything as a youth. The major quest, a struggle for a religion is to impose an exertion of force of involvement in terms of attraction. I usually attend church service wherein I find young ones missing the services. I kept questioning myself that, where the young crowd has disappeared? Surprisingly the young ones have taken charge for the attendance of the church. In this consequence the church should give priority to change its curriculum and its way of presenting the services with new attractive packages for enhancement. Q.3 Are the young preachers practicing different approaches in Christianity declining. What are your suggestions? As the attendance of the youth in church has declined, but on the other hand people practicing approaches are increasing in numbers. The following is revealed through one of the youths that more the deepening are the studies of the bible, more a person becomes a hypocrite of the Christian leadership and unintentionally accepts and performs the lifes

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Student Spirituality - Got Jesus? :: Philosophy Religion

Student Spirituality - Got Jesus? You may have an idea of what’s coming here. Yes, this is an essay about religion and spirituality. When you finish reading this essay, you might say, â€Å"It’s 2005; why in the world do you care about religious crap anymore?† Or maybe, â€Å"Get down off your crucifix, man.† Or, â€Å"You’re gay. Get a life.† That one’s my favorite. But before you bust out the Bible jokes, you could try to pinpoint the reason as to why you find religious people to be odd or ridiculous. Let’s see if this sounds familiar. Let’s start when you’re little. Your parents take you to a church, mosque, synagogue, or whatever their place of worship is, and you may not really want to go. You may not even know why they take you there. All you know is that it’s more fun to go home and play video games, watch television, or play with your friends. So already, this religion crap is a pain. Strike one. It also teaches you all this garbage; that you shouldn’t lie, steal, disobey your parents, or use those nasty four-letter words. And when you’re old enough, it tells you that you shouldn’t engage yourself in some activities. You know what they are. Well, where’s the fun in any of that? Strike two. Then, when you want acceptance from the â€Å"popular kids† in middle school, you learn that they all feel the same way. They hate going to church, and following those dumb little rules, and they don’t see the point either. So that makes it official. Religious crap is a waste of time. Strike three. Then you encounter people who follow that junk like it means something. They let those ideas influence or even completely control everything they do in their life. What better a target for ridicule? Those people are so funny, the way they actually follow that crap. It makes you want to laugh. Well, if you need something to seal the deal, that’s it because you can’t bear to be ridiculed by anybody. That would be sacrilegious to your self-esteem. No pun intended. Strike four. We’re not playing baseball. That may explain it, and it may not. If not, it probably comes pretty close. Take all of that, and put it on a college campus, where beer or sex is king in some circles, and career aspirations of financial success pop up. Hopefully. The idea of even making fun of those weirdos gets buried beneath all of that. Student Spirituality - Got Jesus? :: Philosophy Religion Student Spirituality - Got Jesus? You may have an idea of what’s coming here. Yes, this is an essay about religion and spirituality. When you finish reading this essay, you might say, â€Å"It’s 2005; why in the world do you care about religious crap anymore?† Or maybe, â€Å"Get down off your crucifix, man.† Or, â€Å"You’re gay. Get a life.† That one’s my favorite. But before you bust out the Bible jokes, you could try to pinpoint the reason as to why you find religious people to be odd or ridiculous. Let’s see if this sounds familiar. Let’s start when you’re little. Your parents take you to a church, mosque, synagogue, or whatever their place of worship is, and you may not really want to go. You may not even know why they take you there. All you know is that it’s more fun to go home and play video games, watch television, or play with your friends. So already, this religion crap is a pain. Strike one. It also teaches you all this garbage; that you shouldn’t lie, steal, disobey your parents, or use those nasty four-letter words. And when you’re old enough, it tells you that you shouldn’t engage yourself in some activities. You know what they are. Well, where’s the fun in any of that? Strike two. Then, when you want acceptance from the â€Å"popular kids† in middle school, you learn that they all feel the same way. They hate going to church, and following those dumb little rules, and they don’t see the point either. So that makes it official. Religious crap is a waste of time. Strike three. Then you encounter people who follow that junk like it means something. They let those ideas influence or even completely control everything they do in their life. What better a target for ridicule? Those people are so funny, the way they actually follow that crap. It makes you want to laugh. Well, if you need something to seal the deal, that’s it because you can’t bear to be ridiculed by anybody. That would be sacrilegious to your self-esteem. No pun intended. Strike four. We’re not playing baseball. That may explain it, and it may not. If not, it probably comes pretty close. Take all of that, and put it on a college campus, where beer or sex is king in some circles, and career aspirations of financial success pop up. Hopefully. The idea of even making fun of those weirdos gets buried beneath all of that.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Caffeine Community Essay

As we go about our busy lives, going here, there and everywhere like a colony of ants building up supplies for the winter, we never truly take a moment to look at the world around us, stop to smell the roses, to coin a popular phrase. We never seem to take in the sights, sounds, smells and feelings that we often disconnect ourselves from in our obsession to make the world a perfect place. There is hardly a moment that we stop to notice the other people around us that even though we do not know them from Adam, they could enrich our lives without us even knowing it, if we just took the time for a smile and polite hello. These people can remind us that there is a diverse world of goals and aspirations. It is quite amazing where such an event can happen. Going for a daily coffee at a favorite cafe can bring about this epiphany. As one sits in this modern coffee shop that caters to the needs of young and old alike, one can look around and simply see the decorative art work on the walls, the small scratches in the table that sits in front of you. But let’s look at little deeper and see the true character of the environment around us. What brought about the scratch in the table. Is it just normal every day wear and tear caused by the many people coming and going to take in their hurried morning coffee or could it, perhaps, be caused by say a bored teenager waiting for the long walk to school, using their pen to make back and forth marks in the table. As one sits and contemplates this, they can take a look around and recognize the other sights, sounds and smells of the little cafe. As one looks two tables away, an elderly man helps his wife to the seat at their table with a gentle hand and beaming smile. They look into each other’s eyes lovingly as a couple would do in an old time movie. He tells her,† have a seat dear and I’ll get our coffees. I still love you very much. The distinct voice patterns give away the fact that they are from New York, but they are very much home in their little coffee community. As the manager of the store brings over their order, they engage him in conversation about how he likes working at this particular place. In the meantime, a young man with the burly looks of a high school football player sits at the table next to the older couple and the gentleman begins a lively chat about the sport of football. A sudden, intoxicating smell of fresh brewed coffee and warm toasted bagels brings you out of your daydreams of a long and loving life with the man that you love, caused by the very happy couple. You look around to see a small table at the center of the busy room. There sit a mother and young daughter. The mother seated at the edge of her seat at the table, sipping on her steamy latte, and desperately trying to relate to her young teenage daughter in an attempt to keep the close relationship with her that she shared when the girl was little and thought that her mother was the only person in the world. The young daughter, dressed in what appears to be a dingy soccer uniform, absently sips on her orange juice with a distant look in her eyes thinking that she would much rather anywhere else but here with her boring mother. Thinking perhaps of that grassy field where she could be playing soccer with her friends, or maybe she is in chemistry class, glancing out of the corner of her eye at the cute boy across the room that she has a crush on. The mother gets a mixed expression of pain and lonliness on her face as she realizes that as she tries to hold onto her daughter, that the young girl is slowly drifting away. But that is the way of life, we do all we can to keep the bonds with our children even though deep down we realize that one day soon, we will have to send them from the nest to live their own lives. As the mother and daughter leave to spend their day with separate agendas, you hear the grating of metal against stone and look around to find the cause of the noise that makes your skin crawl and teeth hurt. You look up to see that the table by the window has grown from a six seat table for a cozy conversation for a small group, to a table fit for a King’s Court. Several smaller tables have been added to the larger one, reminding you of someone trying to piece together a jigsaw puzzle. The creators of this elaborate set up are the group of regular coffee drinkers that start each day enjoying each other’s company and sharing their lives with each other. They are so diverse in appearance and personality. There is Martha with her perfectly coifed hair, outrageously oversized jewelry and too bright red lipstick, she is outspoken and her laugh sounds eerily like a hyena. She laughs and gathers everyone around her wanting to be the center of attention because maybe she is ignored at home. Sitting next to Martha is Charles. The tall, slender man sits back in his chair with the ease of man who is comfortable with himself and the way his life is. He is wearing a set of earphones with a microphone on them and one wonders why on earth what use he would have for such a contraption. Then the question is answered a few minutes later when he places a hand held amplifier to his neck and welcomes the newcomers to the table with a hardy good morning and a beaming smile, sounding very much like an electronic voice from a computer. He obviously has had some tragedy that has caused him to lose the use of his vocal cords and possibly hearing and the entire set up is a way for him to communicate with others. The use of this machine is an everyday occurrence and is second nature to him now. Like he doesn’t even know it is there. One has to wonder how this all came about. Is this a case of perfect strangers coming to start their lives each day in the same place? Perhaps this group of unique and diverse friends starts out with a simple smile, with an apprehensive good morning, like children on a playground for the first day of school trying to decide if it is okay to play with each other. Is it possible in this modern world where most people are concerned with number one that there are still people out there that are truly content with inviting others into their little world? You catch an additional name here and there, Tom, Grace, John and Mike. The smiles from the friends are genuine and the laughter is contagious. Everyone at this table is completely different in every way, yet very much the same. A diverse group with different backgrounds, goals, dreams, that found a common bond floating in a steamy, rich drink. Perhaps this group of friends started out like the two young men at the table next to mine. It is hard not to eavesdrop on the lighthearted and endearing conversation that these two obviously longtime friends are having. The two men were best friends in school and because of circumstances beyond their control, were separated to live their own lives. After spending four years being completely inseparable, the first young man left the country to protect the freedoms of his friend, while the second young man went on to college to earn a degree to protect the rights of the second young man. Relaxed and happy as if it has not been ten years since they have seen each other, only keeping in touch through emails and the occasional phone call. The young men chatter on about their lives and families as easily as a pair of school girls talking about the upcoming dance and what they are going to wear. They shuffle through a stack of pictures of the lives that they shared together and separately. Pointing and laughing at the precious, shared memories of times past, reliving the past as it was only yesterday. When they first entered the cafe, the small amount of tension was obvious as they barely spoke as they ordered their coffees and bagels and then waited to pay. By the time they sat down across from each other they were talking more freely and growing more comfortable with each other’s company. Watching these two men can make someone almost want to relive the past. Maybe go back and do things differently with a life that is half way gone. Looking at other people’s lives is like looking at a picture through a glass of water. We think we know what the real image is, it may look clear as a bell, but if we slow down for just a moment, remove the obstacle of the water and look closely and listen with earnest, we see that the picture we are envisioning in our minds may not be the reality of the lives we are surrounded by in this world. We tend to be so self-absorbed in our own lives, in our little world that leads us to believe that is revolves around us, which causes us to forget to look at the big picture and realize that we are all here together. There is an abundance of diversity and culture that we can see and listen to and learn from, and if we take the time to open ourselves up to others, to share what we feel and want with them and at the same time accept what they have to teach us about our lives, that we can enhance and enrich our lives in so many ways.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Rear Window essays

Rear Window essays Watching movies is what I do best, but all this time I have never watched anything so thrilling, tense and amazingly significant as an Alfred Hitchcock movie. His greatest film..."Rear Window" is probably Alfred Hitchcocks most perfectly constructed film. It takes place during four days, from Wednesday to Saturday, and the events are filmed from the window of one apartment and mostly through the eyes of one person - the magazine photographer L.B. Jeffries (James Stewart), confined to a wheelchair with his leg in plaster. One of my goals is to describe to you what I understood and loved about this movie, because Sometimes you see or hear things that make a huge impact to where you think about it hours after it's over. This is the case with Rear Window. What is it that makes Rear Window such a great movie? Let me count the ways. First of all, is the obvious. Rear Window is by the greatest director who ever lived Alfred Hitchcock. He was a master of suspense without using profanity, gore, nudity, or even graphic violence. He scared us with only a camera and some lights. The suspense in the film is based on the unquestionable logic of terror. The terror is not in the scene projected on the screen, but in the minds of the audience. Hitchcock slowly awakens in the audience a stream of suspense, which he dams until the final cataractous release. Hitchcock planned his film so accurately that after it had been edited, only a few dozen meters of film remained on the cutting room floor. This shows how amazing he was in directing, and how well the editor did his job. He shows the murderer creeping up the stairs to Jeffs flat leaving the unfamiliar rear of the building into the audiences imagination and it is just the unfamiliar rear that maximizes the threat: at this stage the threat is not just the rather pathetic M r. Thorwald, but the complex unfamiliarity of the building itself. As for the knowledge of the door...

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Travelling Through the Dark by William Stafford

Travelling Through the Dark by William Stafford Living in a modern world people often have to face with several moral and ethical dilemmas that disclose their readiness to act. Each person, sooner or later, will have to make an important choice and take responsibility for a crucial decision. The problem is that the choices and decisions we make do not only affect our moral ideals, but also the world surrounding us.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Travelling Through the Dark by William Stafford specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Concerning this, William Stafford’s poem called Travelling through the Dark metaphorical discloses the importance of taking actions rather than observing, which is especially vital in unexpected situations. Otherwise, ignorance and failure to make an immediate decision can be fraught with severe consequences and, therefore, acting correctly and following moral and ethical implications is a duty of each in the world. The poem is a metap horical disclosure of the necessity to take immediate actions rather than observe. Hence, the poet discloses a person’s attitude to the essence of morale and its importance while making tough choices (Mendelson and Bryfonski 461). Though the plot is quite simple for understanding, it enables readers to conceive how a person acts and behaves while encountering challenging situations as well as what the speaker feels while depriving deer of life. Hence, when the stops the car to check what was wrong, he realizes that the situation was far more complicated than he expected. Although he first thinks that â€Å"it is usually best to roll them into the canyon: that road is narrow,† but his further reflections prove that he is not indifferent to what happened (Stafford 936, line 3). The speaker did not neglect the tragedy and thought over the way to act correctly in this situation and find the morally justified solution. In particular, he tries to explain his decision to put the deer aside the road as this can save more lives: â€Å"that road is narrow, to swerve might make more dead† (Stafford 936 line 4). However, he immediately withdrew this idea and started thinking of more ethically right alternatives. Making a choice is always a real challenge for the speaker leading him to the analysis of the meaning of darkness, which is often associated with uncertainty, ambiguity, and the unknown. Perhaps, this metaphorical representation of future and life creates even more hesitations and doubts toward the rightfulness of all human actions in terms of morale and ethics (Mendelson and Bryfonski 462) Hence, when the speaker finds a dead deer, the first thought that occurs to his mind is â€Å"to roll them into the canyon† (Stafford 936 line 3). At the same moment, the hesitation comes to rescue the situation forth.Advertising Looking for essay on american literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The state of ambiguity is also recognized by the speaker who also provides the readers with a sign moral consideration: â€Å"Beside the mountain road I hesitated† (Stafford 936 line 12). This hesitation also reveals the idea that a person is ready to provide help and act morally. In the poem, the speaker is in the front of an important decision that the audience expects from him to do: â€Å"around our group, I could hear the wilderness listen† (Stafford 936 line 16). However, he realizes that swerving is risky because a car might fall into the canyon causing more human deaths. In the poem, Stafford does not only reflect on moral dilemmas and significance of human resolute actions and participation but on a person’s moral duty to preserve life. Therefore, people often tend to take steps instead to observe, specifically when it is a matter of life and death. When the speaker decides to interfere, he expresses his readiness and moral duty to he lp: â€Å"By glow of the tail-light I stumbled back of the car and stood by the heap, a doe, recent killing; She had stiffened already, almost cold. I dragged her off; she was large in the belly† (Stafford 936 lines 4-8). Here, the speaker is bold enough to get out of his car and pull the dead deer aside. Also, the author’s realization of the importance of life is followed by guilty consciousness that is concealed in his attempt to check whether the deer is alive. The speaker realizes that the dear is about to deliver a fawn, but he realizes that he can do nothing but make a difficult choice: â€Å"her fawn lay there waiting alive, still, never to be born† (Stafford 936, lines 10-11). Hence, the very thinking of the possibility to save a life serves the speaker as an excuse for his refusal to help. Despite his difficult choice, the speaker still realizes the sacredness of life. After a thorough analysis of the poem, it is possible to deeper understand the role o f human deeds as well as their readiness to participate rather than to observe. The topic presented in the poem contributes significantly to realizing the essence of human life as well as the way it is affected both by nature and civilized world. More importantly, it also reveals the situations immediate decisions and actions are signifiers of morally justified choice. In the poem, the speaker did not ignore the situation and decided to act immediately under moral and ethical decisions.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Travelling Through the Dark by William Stafford specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Mendelson, Ed. Phyllis Carmel, and Dedria Bryfonski. William Stafford (1914-). Contemporary Literary Criticism. Detroit: Gale Research, 1977. Stafford, William. Traveling Through the Dark. In Literature, Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, Drama, and Writing. Ed. X. J. Kennedy and Dana Gioia. UK: Longman, 2006.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Soc 3-4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Soc 3-4 - Essay Example There are several agents both formal and informal that assist in the process of socialization. Agents of socialization are the persons, groups or institutions that teach what is necessary to live in the society. While the school and the mass media represent the formal or sometimes known as secondary agents, the primary or the informal agents are the family and the peers. Each agent influences an individual in a different way in the process of development. Family is the most important agent of socialization and the most important source of emotional support. The entire environment which comprises of both parents and siblings make up a family. Earlier even the grandparents formed a part of the family and the children learned a lot from the wisdom of the grandparents. Today the families have split up. There are either nuclear families or with single parents and the child imbibes what he experiences. His attitudes and behaviors depend on the environment in which he grows up. The family is where individuals acquire the specific position in the society. The next important agent of socialization is the peer group which is a group of people linked by common interests, equal social position and similar age. They contribute to the sense of belonging and feelings of self-worth. The peer group teaches to live in a group and to earn the acceptance of the peers is important. A peer group has its own norms, attitudes and beliefs which have to be met. The school and the mass media are the secondary agents but equally important in the socialization process. Schools teach specific knowledge and skills and have a profound effect on the child’s self image, beliefs and values. Schools teach individuals to be productive members of the society and to contribute to the society. They teach self control and guide them in the process of selection, training and placement on different rungs in the society.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Service marketing 7 P for JetBlue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Service marketing 7 P for JetBlue - Essay Example However, the problems associated with service delivery and brand sentiment requires that JetBlue offer more discounted package and travel options as a means of reinforcing their price differentiation and satisfying their value proposition. Product is reflected by its provision of travel vacation packages on reputable sites such as Priceline and Travelocity, as well as JetBlue Getaways, a self-managed website offering custom-designed packages (JetBlue, 2010). As with the pricing consideration, JetBlue should expand these product offerings to illustrate the depth of its value proposition and value consciousness. Place is satisfied by having many fleets and routes established throughout the nation, thus adding convenience to the consumer experience. However, the majority of revenues come from New York and Florida, as Jet Blue has the most presence in these locations. The business should expand its market presence and capacity to improve place availability that can be used in promotions. Promotion is lacking at JetBlue. The company relies heavily on social media to create relationships with customers and promote its value (JetBlue, 2011). Social media is not effective in all markets, thus the business should invest additional capital in promotion to fully advertise its value proposition and gain more market attention. The expanded dimension of physical layout is somewhat restricted by its low cost model, as improving physical layout requires less overhead or more budgeting in this area. However, by offering customers more airport-based facilities and improvements on-board will improve its competitive position. In terms of people, the business requires more cultural development to ensure a culture of service excellence, something significantly damaged in reference to the Jet Blue brand. Finally, the business needs to change its