
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

US Current Account Deficit

According to Peterson Institute for International Economics, the Current Account Deficit of the United States is now at the highest point it has ever reached, nearing $800 billion. This situation is not financially sustainable because in accounting terms it demands that the US economy must import about $4 billion every working day to offset the deficit. The deficit is definitely a problem for the economy because it has to be addressed both economically and politically.The two factors, economics and politics go hand in hand and the relationship between the two factors is directly proportional meaning that when politics are generally tranquil, the economy grows and vice versa. To be able to address the deficit a combination of well orchestrated measures must be taken thus: – i) The first measure is rather obvious and it dictates a sizable reduction in the US budget expenditure.Money guzzlers like the protracted wars in Afghanistan and Iraq have to be contained. ii) The second me asure is an expansion of demand for domestic US products in other economies particularly other major economies for faster results. Along with this expansion, the US has to reduce its dependence on imports particularly oil whose price fluctuations have a negative effect on the US economy. iii) The third measure is a technical gradual and substantial realignment of currency exchange rates.A cheaper dollar would stimulate exports which would in turn earn the US the much needed foreign exchange. One handicap with this measure is that other major economies like China and the Oil Producing States have to allow the dollar to fall further against their currencies an act which is not probable. This is because of the less than amiable relations between the US and the other economies. Simply put, these nations might not be very willing to bail the US out.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Consumer Behaviour Essay

Consumers make many buying decisions every day, and the buying decision is the focal point of the marketer’s effort. Most large companies research consumer buying decisions in great detail to answer questions about what consumers buy, where they buy, how and how much they buy, when they buy, and why they buy. Marketers can study actual consumer purchases to find out what they buy, where, and how much. But learning about the whys of consumer buying behavior is not so easy—the answers are often locked deep within the consumer’s mind. Often, consumers themselves don’t know exactly what influences their purchases. â€Å"The human mind doesn’t work in a linear way,† says one marketing expert. â€Å"The idea that the mind is a computer with storage compartments where brands or logos or recognizable packages are stored in clearly marked folders that can be accessed by cleverly written ads or commercials simply doesn’t exist. Instead, the mind is a whirling, swirling, jumbled mass of neurons bouncing around, colliding and continuously creating new concepts and thoughts and relationships inside every single person’s brain all over the world.† The central question for marketers is as follows: How do consumers respond to various marketing efforts the company might use? The starting point is the stimulus-response model of buyer behavior shown in Figure 5.1. This figure shows that marketing and other stimuli enter the consumer’s â€Å"black box† and produce certain responses. Marketers must figure out what is in the buyer’s black box. Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps: product, price, place, and promotion. Other stimuli include major forces and events in the buyer’s environment: economic, technological, political, and cultural. All these inputs enter the buyer’s black box, where they are turned into a set of buyer responses: the buyer’s brand and company relationship behavior and what he or she buys, when, where, and how often. Marketers want to understand how the stimuli are changed into responses inside the consumer’s black box, which has two parts. First, the buyer’s characteristics influence how he or she perceives and reacts to the stimuli. Second, the buyer’s decision process itself affects his or her behavior. We look first at buyer characteristics as they affect buyer behavior and then discuss the buyer decision process. Many levels of factors affect our buying behavior—from broad cultural and social influences to motivations, beliefs, and attitudes lying deep within us. For example, why did you buy that specific cell phone? Consumer purchases are influenced strongly by cultural, social, personal, and psychological characteristics, as shown in Figure 5.2. For the most part, marketers cannot control such factors, but they must take them into account. Cultural Factors Cultural factors exert a broad and deep influence on consumer behavior. Marketers need to understand the role played by the buyer’s culture, subculture, and social class. Culture Culture is the most basic cause of a person’s wants and behavior. Human behavior is largely learned. Growing up in a society, a child learns basic values, perceptions, wants, and behaviors from his or her family and other important institutions. A child in the United States normally learns or is exposed to the following values: achievement and success, individualism, freedom, hard work, activity and involvement, efficiency and practicality, material comfort, youthfulness, and fitness and health. Every group or society has a culture, and cultural influences on buying behavior may vary greatly from country to country. A failure to adjust to these differences can result in ineffective marketing or embarrassing mistakes. Subculture Each culture contains smaller subcultures, or groups of people with shared value systems based on common life experiences and situations. Subcultures include nationalities, religions, racial groups, and geographic regions. Many subcultures make up important market segments, and marketers often design products and marketing programs tailored to their needs. Examples of four such important subculture groups include Hispanic American, African American, Asian American, and mature consumers. Hispanic American Consumers The nation’s nearly 50 million Hispanic consumers have an annual buying power of more than $950 billion, a figure that will grow to an estimated $1.4 trillion by 2013. Hispanic consumer spending has grown at more than twice the rate of general-market spending over the past four years. Although Hispanic consumers share many characteristics and behaviors with the mainstream buying pubic, there are also distinct differences. They tend to be deeply family oriented and make shopping a family affair; children have a big say in what brands they buy. Perhaps more important, Hispanic consumers, particularly first-generation immigrants, are very brand loyal, and they favor brands and sellers who show special interest in them. African American Consumers With an annual buying power of $913 billion, estimated to reach $1.2 trillion by 2013, the nation’s 42 million African American consumers also attract much marketing attention. The U.S. black population is growing in affluence and sophistication. Although more price conscious than other segments, blacks are also strongly motivated by quality and selection. Brands are important. So is shopping. Black consumers seem to enjoy shopping more than other groups, even for something as mundane as groceries. In recent years, many companies have developed special products, appeals, and marketing programs for African American consumers. For example, P&G’s roots run deep in this market. P&G has long been the leader in African American advertising, spending nearly twice as much as the second-place spender. It has a long history of using black spokespeople in its ads, beginning in 1969 with entertainer Bill Cosby endorsing Crest. Today, you’ll see Angela Bassett promoting the benefits of Olay body lotion for black skin, Derek Jeter discussing the virtues of Gillette razors and deodorant, and Queen Latifah in commercials promoting a Cover Girl line for women of color. In addition to traditional product marketing efforts, P&G also supports a broader â€Å"My Black Is Beautiful† movement. Asian American Consumers Asian Americans are the most affluent U.S. demographic segment. They now number nearly 15 million and wield more than $500 billion in annual spending power, expected to reach $750 billion in 2013. They are the second fastest-growing population sub segment after Hispanic Americans. And like Hispanic Americans, they are a diverse group. Chinese Americans constitute the largest group, followed by Filipinos, Asian Indians, Vietnamese, Korean Americans, and Japanese Americans. Asian consumers may be the most tech-savvy segment; more than 90 percent of Asian Americans go online regularly and are most comfortable with Internet technologies such as online banking. As a group, Asian consumers shop frequently and are the most brand conscious of all the ethnic groups. They can be fiercely brand loyal. As a result, many firms are now targeting the Asian American market, companies like State Farm, McDonald’s, Verizon, Toyota, and Wal-Mart. For example, among its many other Asian American targeting efforts, McDonald’s has built a special Web site for this segment (www.myinspirasian.com), offered in both English and Asian languages. The fun and involving, community-oriented site highlights how McDonald’s is working with and serving the Asian American community. Mature Consumers As the U.S. population ages, mature consumers are becoming a very attractive market. By 2015, when all the baby boomers will be 50-plus, people ages 50 to 75 will account for 40 percent of adult consumers. By 2030, adults ages 65 and older will represent nearly 20 percent of the population. And these mature consumer segments boast the most expendable cash. The 50-plus consumer segment now accounts for nearly 50 percent of all consumer spending, more than any current or previous generation. They have 2.5 times the discretionary buying power of those ages 18 to 34. As one marketing executive puts it, they have â€Å"assets, not allowances.† Despite some financial setbacks resulting from the recent economic crisis, mature consumers remain an attractive market for companies in all industries, from pharmaceuticals, furniture, groceries, beauty products, and clothing to consumer electronics, travel and entertainment, and financial services. Social Factors A consumer’s behavior also is influenced by social factors, such as the consumer’s small groups, family, and social roles and status. Social class Relatively permanent and ordered divisions in a society whose members share similar values, interests, and behaviors. Group Two or more people who interact to accomplish individual or mutual goals. Groups and Social Networks Many small groups influence a person’s behavior. Groups that have a direct influence and to which a person belongs are called membership groups. In contrast, reference groups serve as direct (face-to-face) or indirect points of comparison or reference in forming a person’s attitudes or behavior. People often are influenced by reference groups to which they do not belong. For example, an aspirational group is one to which the individual wishes to belong, as when a young basketball player hopes to someday emulate basketball star LeBron James and play in the National Basketball Association (NBA) Marketers try to identify the reference groups of their target markets. Reference groups expose a person to new behaviors and lifestyles, influence the person’s attitudes and selfconcept, and create pressures to conform that may affect the person’s product and brand choices. The importance of group influence varies across products and brands. It tends to be strongest when the product is visible to others whom the buyer respects.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Journal Articles Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Journal Articles - Article Example The Democratic Party’s intense support for the principle of the Manifest Destiny, through the policies of the Democrat President James K. Polk, was the impetus of the war which moulded the nation (Apilado, 2011). The turn of events and the feats of the American political affairs at that time were discussed in Michael A. Morrison’s article "'New Territory versus No Territory': The Whig Party and the Politics of Western Expansion, 1846-1848" published on the Western Historical Quarterly. The History of 1846-1848 in the Eyes of Morrison The important arguments presented in Morrison’s article all revolve on the significant events of the Mexican-American War and the political affairs behind it. It analyses the dispute between important politicians of that time which emphasizes on the debate of the US territorial expansion. The pieces of evidence that the author uses in the article explicitly shows the partisan politics that delves on the politicians’ conviction on the use of force in order to achieve more territories and the otherwise. Morrison also tackles the views of the Democrat Federal government with concerns to the Congressional oppositions that Polk’s policies have met at the duration of the war. ... The article, in general, is a political analysis of the early American nation and the accompanying effects which ultimately manifest to the territorial expansion of the country. The author had written it in such a way that his arguments revolve on the different political sides and sentiments of the federal policy to sustain the two-year war with Mexico. More importantly, Morrison’s article creates much area for debate when it comes to the principles of the respective political parties at that time. It establishes insights on the partisan decisions of the federal government and the gravity of oppositions that the policies meet from staunch political rivals in the Congress. Manifest Destiny and Partisan Politics: the Dispute between the Whigs and the Democrats In the course of the American history, the principle of the Manifest Destiny had underwent through numerous developments which proved its full effect upon the formation of what is known to be the existing territorial expan se of the American nation. The principle simply states the use of conquest or force through military might which can award the nation more territories. The desire for further expansion after the nation’s freedom from the British colonial rule had manifested in many policies that the federal government had taken. A perfect example of this can be seen during the presidency of James Monroe and his Monroe Doctrine in the 1820s. The Monroe Doctrine explicitly stated the expulsion of any influence of any European power in the Americas and the propagation of the idea of Pan Americanism. Although Manifest Destiny was not a direct policy basis for the Monroe Doctrine, the very idea of territorial control was an emergent effect of President Monroe’s policy. The

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Workplace Policy Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Workplace Policy Project - Research Paper Example The above policies only apply to customers in the United States. International Privacy Policies exist for customers outside the United States which are dependent on the laws of the country that govern their relationship with Wells Fargo This policy describes how the company utilizes and protects the customers’ information. The privacy of an individual, to a large extent, determines the customer service provided by the company. This policy was aimed at protecting information pertaining to individuals’ business accounts, loans, leasing and sales programs among others. The company determines how they share the personal information of its customers and whether the customers can limit the sharing and are required to inform their customers on how they go about it. The type of information being referred to here is the social security number and employment information, account balances and history of transactions and the credit and investment history. Some of the reasons the company may choose to share customer information include: For trust accounts in which the trustee happens to be Wells Fargo, there are special rules of confidentiality under which these accounts are protected. This kind of information needs specific consent before it can be shared for market purposes. Wells Fargo gives provisions for their customers to limit sharing of information. To protect the customers’ personal information from any form of unauthorized access, the company uses security measures that are required to be in compliance with federal law. Some of these measures include computer safeguards to prevent computer hacking and securing files and buildings. To cater to visitors, Wells Fargo provides various demos designed to help customers make the right financial decisions in selecting the products and services the customers need. It has applications to enable the customers to generate ‘what if’ scenarios to determine whether they

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Researched Personal Argument on pro-hunting Essay

Researched Personal Argument on pro-hunting - Essay Example Their argument with regard to this controversial activity of hunting is that a legal solution will ensure that people will no longer rely on hunting for a living. This will have been as a result of it being made impossible to continue hunting under animal protection by legal intervention. Thus, forbidding hunting using legal channels, as is being seen from the point of view of the urban onlookers, is seen to shed light to a brighter future of the wild animals. This is, especially, for those animals which have been hunting targets for the human beings. There exists, also, another perception which is from a slightly different point of view from the previously mentioned one above. This is the one in which the legal intervention is seen as the beginning of a journey towards a complex system of causal activities which will indefinitely continue with the seeking of wild animals’ liberation from the oppression by human being hunters. These activities referred to in this former statem ent are such those that will probably ensure that the human being activities within the environment affect it in a positive ways. First in the list of these activities according to Harvey is the replacement ways of modern agriculture which are unkind and damaging the environment with better ones (Par. 21). Harvey also suggests the employment of an entirely new form of land management (par. 21). Activities which would also bring harmony between those residing in the town and the rest of the population in the other parts of the country are also part of the causal activities which would unfold once the legal employment of protecting wildlife from human being hunters is established. However, this perspective of resolving the issue between hunters, the hunted and the environment has elicited varied criticism. Being also inclined to the opinion of the critics of Harvey’s argument, I tend not to support the establishment of

Frazer Group and Caribou Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Frazer Group and Caribou - Essay Example Its pronouncements have been applied in reporting of minority interests (Morgan et al 2009). What auditing standards are used by the external auditors? The independent auditors have applied guidelines forwarded by the Auditing Standards Board (ASB) which issues pronouncements on auditing practice (Dauber, 2009;Rittenberg et al 2011). Analyze and comment on the differences in the annual statements found on the companies' websites. Provide a few specific differences in content and format. The major differences in the two companies’ financial records are evident in the Balance Sheet and Consolidated cash flow statements. To start with the balance sheets, Frazer Group Items are represented under three main classes; Current assets, Current liabilities and Equity. This is different from Caribou’s Balance sheet which has clear entries for, Assets (both current and non-current), Liabilities, Equity, and Minority Interests (Whittington et al 2011). In regard to consolidated cash flow statement, Caribou’s has clear entries for, Cash Flow for Operating Activities, Cash Flow from Investing Activities, from Financing Activities, and Net increase/decrease in cash and cash equivalents. This is quite different from Frazer Group’s which clear entries for, operating activities, investing activities, and financing activities appearing less complex (Whittington et al 2012). Which one of the two companies is the most profitable? Financial records reported in "000,000" CARIBOU COFFEE FAZER GROUP 2010 2009 2008 2010 2009 2008 Tangible assets 101.725 93.727 89.572 378.1 389.6 369.4 Shareholders’ Equity 62.466 50.776 44.008 126.5 120.4 118.8 Stocks 25.931 13.278 10.724 57.2 51.5 46.8 Retained Earnings 12 7 0 310.5 300.9 275.4 Turnover 242.293 283.997 262.539 1513.6 1441.1 1159.7 Personnel costs 105.993 101.169 99.865 508.7 480.9 477.6 Operating profit 15.193 10.107 5.541 58.5 44.5 135 Profit before taxes 14.926 9.721 5.306 58.4 32.9 31.9 Net profit 9. 797 5.138 4.825 58.4 32.9 24.6 Operating profit before WC 7.517 15.594 10.264 148 112.3 102.7 Dividends received 1.1 1.2 1.1 Cash from operating activities 23.092 23.578 22.462 117.7 118 116.5 Fazer Group is by a large extent the most profitable company. Looking at the net profit generated in the three years, 2008-2010, Fazer Group had an increasing profit ranging between $24.6 million to $58.4. The financial year, 2009-2010, was the Group’s most profitable year (Fazer Group 2010). This is unlike Caribou Coffee which in the three years under examination recorded a net profit ranging, $4 million to $9.7 million (Caribou Coffee Financial Records 2005-2011). Financial year 2009-2010, was the company’s most profitable recording a net profit of $9.7 million. Looking at the figures recorded, based on net profit which is a reasonable pointer of a company’s profitability it is clear that there is a marginal difference in profitability in favor of Fazer Group (Weirich et al 2012). Compare growth of revenues versus income over time and between the two companies. In this case, the basis of the revenue growth is sales. Starting with a look at Fazer Group which is by far the bigger of the two entities we realize an irregular growth in revenue in the three years under observation. In 2008, the company’s sales were $369.4 million, in 2009, the sales increased to $389.6 million, later in 2010, the sales declined to $378.1 million. This represents a growth of 5.5% in sales for the year, 2009-2010, and a growth of -2.95% for the year

Friday, July 26, 2019

Hooters and the EEOC Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Hooters and the EEOC - Essay Example As found in Leonard, Steenberg, Howard and Mullins (1998), according to Title VII of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, "in those certain instances wheresexis a bona fide occupational qualification (BFOQ) reasonably necessary to the normal operation of that particular business" (p. C-663) a company or entity's decision to hire based upon gender is not illegal or discriminatory. The EEOC has specific criteria within which these exceptions must fall, ironically one of the examples they listed was a Playboy Bunny. This brought to mind one questionWhat's the difference between a Playboy Bunny and a Hooter Girl The answer is simple; other than the tail and ears - nothing. Both are selling an image - that is their primary focus; food and drink, in both cases, is secondary. Perhaps the main problem was, Hooters attempted to hide behind the guise of a 'family oriented restaurant'. Several court cases defining the scope of BFOQ establish precedent for upholding Hooters right to require their front line staff to be female. In the case of St. Cross v Playboy Club, CFS 22618-70 the court held that "in jobs where sex or vicarious sexual recreation is the primary service providedbeing female was deemed a BFOQ" (Leonard et al, 1998, p. C-664). As previously discussed there is no distinction here.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Stopping the Sprawl at HP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Stopping the Sprawl at HP - Essay Example He is actually pushing for major changes that would result in the scrapping of thousands of smaller projects at the decentralized company to focus on a few corporate wide initiatives as well as scraping off more than 700 isolated databases. These would then be merged into one company data ware house that would effectively alter the structure of the company and its operations. In fact, all the company information would be processed from one system which would be more efficient. The makeover would have more positive impact than any other HP advertising campaign. If successful, this would reduce HP’s annual spending on technology by about half. It will give impetus on HP especially on how to capitalize on its vast product breadth where the company has been operating like a large conglomerate of separate companies instead of one entity. In brief he is trying to integrate all the information about HP into one big single entity that would make it relatively easy to measure performance. However, all these initiatives would have an impact especially on structure of HP. The $1 billion data warehouse initiative would see the possible laying off of thousands of workers as the improved system would be manageable by few people from centralised control points. Indeed this would improve efficiency and accuracy of data but the company structure would require less staff. Basically, from the outlined endeavors above, Mott is trying to make IT take root in the company’s culture which has been resistant to technological changes such as centralised control. The ultimate purpose is to make sure that all HP’s businesses are working from one set of data that would make it easy to monitor and check progress as well as making fast, informed decisions. 2. The culture of HP has been firmly embedded in their traditional way of doing things such as operating from decentralized operating

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Observation of Teaching English Focusing on Teacher-Student as well as Essay

Observation of Teaching English Focusing on Teacher-Student as well as Student-Student Interactions - Essay Example The projector was on but was never used for the duration of the class. Likewise, some students were deemed absent, as observed from the greater number of vacant seats as compared to the first observation period. He talks in a monosyllabic manner that is perceived to be monotonous and students at the back would strain to hear the entirety of his discussion. The students posed diverse stances ranging from perceptive, partially responsive as a class, partially attentive (which means there were a few who were really inattentive), somewhat indifferent, and generally unparticipative. Description of Teacher-Student Interactions The professor discussed the day’s subject matter on the need to examine the context of the sentence by enumerating a point-by-point sentence structure as detailed in their course material. He tried to solicit participation from the student by asking them questions after relevant points from the course material were presented. Apparently, only one student from Saudi Arabia was virtually responding actively to his inquiries. The rest of the students (predominantly Asian) were either very softly responding in their respective seats or silently observing and listening during the whole discussion. At one point where handouts were needed to be disseminated, Saudi students voluntarily stood up and assisted in distributing the materials to the other members of the class. As noted, other students (Asian) were not at all participating and one actually saw two students changing seats upon the start of the class discussion; and where one student even changed seats twice for some reason. Even worse, some Asian students were also seen sleeping in class (a total of three students) and neither the professor nor the classmates made any efforts to wake them up. The professor either did not see them or was indifferent to students sleeping in his class. Description of Student-Student Interactions Regarding observing student-student interactions, one could d educe that the students are already well acquainted with each other. This acquaintance was observed to have negative effects in terms of exhibiting private conversations and communications with each other, without regard to the professor discussing the lessons. These were actually three (3) Asian students talking to each other while the professor was explaining the lesson in front of the class. A positive student interaction was observed as two (2) Saudi students voluntarily assisted the professor in distributing the handouts. The rest of the classroom environment was predominantly silent during the lecture due to absence of reaction and response; as well as active participation from the students. Description of Lesson, Activities and Group Work The lesson was delivered purely using a lecture approach. Only the course materials were the sole reference for the discussion. Despite availability and access to using the overhead projector, it was not at all utilized. Likewise, the soft v oice, monotonous manner of speech and communication pattern, as well as being stationary (standing in front of the class) limited movement, activity, vitality, and diversity in instructional approach and use of instructional materials. At some point in time, about 30 minutes after the start of the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Art History Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Art History Writing - Assignment Example These paintings were oil based and mostly portrait. The influence of religion on the approach used by the artist of the era in the presentation of their ideas is evident from the type of pictures and paintings produced. Both the sculptures and painting of the era comprised of beautiful figures moving gracefully in multi-figure compositions conveying humanity and the perfection of God. Despite the growing influence of the Italian renaissance humanism, it was not able to influence artists outside Italy (Kleiner 589). Therefore, artists in Europe were not influenced by the humanism approach employed in the art from Italy. Northern painters travelled to Rome and are known as Romanists because they were influenced by the works of Michelangelo and exhibited the stylistic tendencies of mannerism. The northern renaissance in northern Europe was not influenced by the Italian renaissance but was closely linked with the protestant reformation. The series of internal and external conflicts between the Roman Catholic Church and the protestant groups had a lasting effect on the type of art developed in northern Europe. In contrast to the 1500 to 1600 art, the 1700 t0 1800 art was comprised of the concept of enlightenment. The frivolous paintings of Fragonard and the politically charged moralizing images of David influenced art (Kleiner 583). The leadership of the king of France who ruled by divine light and the development of the enlightenment thinkers indicates a change from the 1600 art. The art of the era was defined by Neo-classicism, which included the support of the revolution. It exhibited movement from the roman art that proceeded the era, which contributed significantly to the characteristics of the art depicted by Mona Lisa painting, and other paintings related to Christianity. In fact, the roman art was based on religion and the perfection of God and the role of spirituality in changing the behaviors of people with the focus being on the nature of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Tobacco Prevention Essay Example for Free

Tobacco Prevention Essay Tobacco Alcohol (or any other) i) Using interventions for reducing tobacco use among the users ii) Carrying out smoking bans iii) Taking measures to reduce intake by minorities iv) Using provider reminder systems that govern the providers of these products about the implications to the users v) Using school based methods of interventions to educate the effects of tobacco to students. vi) Using community based task force to help educate influence of tobacco to the people vii) Increasing campaigns towards cessation of tobacco use i) Using interventions for reducing alcohol use among the users ii) May not necessarily need bans on its use iii) Measures to reduce the alcoholism by minorities is highly necessary iv) Reminder use systems may not necessarily be important though can be used. v) School based methods of interventions may be highly recommendable. vi) Community based task force may be of necessity in preventing alcoholism vii) Cessation campaigns may be of necessity. (1) Distinguishing methods of preventing tobacco form that of alcoholism or any other behavior. 2) Tobacco use policies The policies to prevent tobacco use should virtually be constituted at all dimensions that run from local campus and state policies. Local policies are those that should be aimed at controlling and preventing the general use of tobacco within the local society. This could be through the application of cordial measures and policies that are aimed at articulating and monitoring the use of tobacco within the society. Campus policies should be instituted aimed at regulating and monitoring the levels of tobacco use within the campus boundaries. Such policies will therefore help to reduce the proficiency of tobacco taking among campus students. The state policies are the overall counter measures and policies that regulate the overall use of this product. It should define the requirements, penalties, regulations and relations between smokers and the rest of the state structures (Robert, 1999) 3) Three major policies on tobacco taking Controls on advertisement Increasing campaigns on cessation Introductions of smoking bans Aimed at reducing the motivating impact to its consumers. Can be achieved through increased cots and regulations on advertisement Manufacturers entitled to indicate a risk warning on their adverts. Social programs aimed at reducing the use of tobacco Smokers are given awareness of the impact of smoking Aim to govern interventions for both current and future smokers. Penalties aimed at reducing smoking May be imposed to the providers, manufactures or the smokers. Culprits are made to pay penalties and charges for their break of legal regulations 4) Tobacco developmental programs Various developmental programs can be instituted on tobacco use. Firstly, adequate information about the dangers of tobacco should be developed by all participants. Elsewhere, controls that govern to reduce the level of supplies to ensure the lowest levels of supplies should be instituted. This could be through governmental regulations that may posit regulatory framework about the levels of tobacco supplies by the manufacturers and the providers. Additionally, controls on advertisements that reduced extravagance in such adverts should be developed. Controls on advertisement would be important in reducing the levels of motivations in use of tobacco by the consumers (Robert, 1999) Reference Robert, T (1999) Prevention and Societal Impact of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. London, Routledge

Charleston Dance Essay Example for Free

Charleston Dance Essay The Ibans perform a unique dance called the ngajat. It serves many purposes depending on the occasion. During Gawais, it is used to entertain the people who in the olden days enjoy graceful ngajats as a form of entertainment. The origin of this indigenous dance is not clearly known but it is believed to have been in existence along with the Iban tribe since the 16th Century. The Ngajat dance is believed to have been performed by warriors on their return from battles. . The male dancers wear large feathers as part of their headgear, hold an ornate and long shield in their hand with chains, beads and a loincloth called the ‘cawat’. The female dancers have an elaborate headdress, chains, beads and a ‘dress’ that reaches to below their knees with intricate weaving. Traditionally this dance was only performed by male dancers but not anymore. The dance is arranged straight lines and in a circle and does involve dramatic leaps and jumps performed by the male dancers. If the real tradition, the music if we dance ngajat we use the life music which have someone o group who play the music such as gong, Gongs and other ethnic percussion instruments such as the ‘enkeromong’, ‘bendai’, ‘canang’ and ‘dumbak or ketebong’ provide the music. The musicians may be either male oThe pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat,’ the Iban traditional dance must be kept burning among the Iban youngsters. The young Ibans should look back to the days of their parents or forefathers when there was so much pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat’. Ngajat is a warrior dance of the Iban tribe in Sarawak. It is said that ngajat is performed by the warriors upon their successful return, to celebrate their victory in battle. Today, the dance is performed as part of the Gawai Dayak celebrations. When performing the dance, the male dancers wear a headgear made from the tail feathers of the hornbill (though nowadays most likely artificial feather may be used, to save the birds). He holds a long sword in one hand and an ornately decorated shield in the other. Around his chest are necklaces made of beads and cowrie shells, and he wore a ceremonial cawat, or loincloth. The dancer make slow movements, as though stalking the enemy. This is interspersed with dramatic prances as though he is leaping forward to attack. The dance is performed accompanied by the music from tribal musical instruments, usually percussions, including the enkeromong, bendai, canang and dumbak or ketebong. There are several Ngajat dance such as Ngajat Induk, Ngajat bebunoh, Ngajat Lesong, Ngajat Semain, Ngajat Berayah and Ngajat â€Å"â€Å"Ngemai antu pala† Moreover, it symbolize the happy ending of another cycle of padi planting season, welcoming the God of Farming to the feast and giving thanks for the bountiful and successful harvest. In the past, a â€Å"Ngajat Semain† was performed by young Iban boys and girls who have just complete their Ngajat lessons taught to them after the heavy work of clearing the forest and burning season is over. The tempo of this Ngajat performed by the girls is slow and graceful displaying the beautiful design pattern of the newly completed â€Å"Pua Kumbu† woven by the girls during the farming cycle. As for the young boys, the tempo is also slow displaying their martial artistic and balancing skills in preparation to enter their adulthood life. This means that they will take more adult responsibility in the next farming season. This is also an opportunity for them to display their beautiful costumes, headgears, amulets such as Engkerimok, Simpai, Tumpa Bala and of course their new fully decorated swords and its design. At the present day, the Ngajat music and dance are perform to preserve the Iban Culture and for the younger generation to value the unique of it the dancer dance follow the music that have a group who play the music. These is the traditional dane,which the most popular in Sarawak. The Ibans perform a unique dance called the ngajat. It serves many purposes depending on the occasion. During Gawais, it is used to entertain the people who in the olden days enjoy graceful ngajats as a form of entertainment. The origin of this indigenous dance is not clearly known but it is believed to have been in existence along with the Iban tribe since the 16th Century. The Ngajat dance is believed to have been performed by warriors on their return from battles.. The male dancers wear large feathers as part of their headgear, hold an ornate and long shield in their hand with chains, beads and a loincloth called the ‘cawat’. The female dancers have an elaborate headdress, chains, beads and a ‘dress’ that reaches to below their knees with intricate weaving. Traditionally this dance was only performed by male dancers but not anymore. The dance is arranged straight lines and in a circle and does involve dramatic leaps and jumps performed by the male dancers. If the real tradition, the music if we dance ngajat we use the life music which have someone o group who play the music such as gong, Gongs and other ethnic percussion instruments such as the ‘enkeromong’, ‘bendai’, ‘canang’ and ‘dumbak or ketebong’ provide the music. The musicians may be either male oThe pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat,’ the Iban traditional dance must be kept burning among the Iban youngsters. The young Ibans should look back to the days of their parents or forefathers when there was so much pride in knowing how to perform the ‘ngajat’. Ngajat is a warrior dance of the Iban tribe in Sarawak. It is said that ngajat is performed by the warriors upon their successful return, to celebrate their victory in battle. Today, the dance is performed as part of the Gawai Dayak celebrations. When performing the dance, the male dancers wear a headgear made from the tail feathers of the hornbill (though nowadays most likely artificial feather may be used, to save the birds). He holds a long sword in one hand and an ornately decorated shield in the other. Around his chest are necklaces made of beads and cowrie shells, and he wore a ceremonial cawat, or loincloth. The dancer make slow movements, as though stalking the enemy. This is interspersed with dramatic prances as though he is leaping forward to attack. The dance is performed accompanied by the music from tribal musical instruments, usually percussions, including the enkeromong, bendai, canang and dumbak or ketebong. There are several Ngajat dance such as Ngajat Induk, Ngajat bebunoh, Ngajat Lesong, Ngajat Semain, Ngajat Berayah and Ngajat â€Å"â€Å"Ngemai antu pala† Moreover, it symbolize the happy ending of another cycle of padi planting season, welcoming the God of Farming to the feast and giving thanks for the bountiful and successful harvest. In the past, a â€Å"Ngajat Semain† was performed by young Iban boys and girls who have just complete their Ngajat lessons taught to them after the heavy work of clearing the forest and burning season is over. The tempo of this Ngajat performed by the girls is slow and graceful displaying the beautiful design pattern of the newly completed â€Å"Pua Kumbu† woven by the girls during the farming cycle. As for the young boys, the tempo is also slow displaying their martial artistic and balancing skills in preparation to enter their adulthood life. This means that they will take more adult responsibility in the next farming season. This is also an opportunity for them to display their beautiful costumes, headgears, amulets such as Engkerimok, Simpai, Tumpa Bala and of course their new fully decorated swords and its design. At the present day, the Ngajat music and dance are perform to preserve the Iban Culture and for the younger generation to value the unique of it the dancer dance follow the music that have a group who play the music. These is the traditional dane,which the most popular in Sarawak.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Internet And Its Impact On Globalization Media Essay

Internet And Its Impact On Globalization Media Essay The expansion of telecommunication or the Information and telecommunication technology (ICT) is the outcome of the microelectronic revolution which has created channels for the process of monitoring and processing of the information. It has become more pervasive than the radio and the television in todays globalised world. Incontestably now Internet has gained the position of the worlds largest electronic network. The debate is still going on regarding the origin of the Internet as some says that its origin was way back in late 1960s by the United States Department of Defence which created Arpanet (which was invented for a nuclear blitz.) There are others who oppose its origin in the United States by the Department of Defence. In 1984 Arpanet was expanded and opened to the scientific community when it was taken over by the National Science Foundation, transmogrifying into NSFNET, which linked five supercomputers by a variety of private access system.  [1]  As according to the Ex- Director General of WTO, Roberto Ruggiero, Internet provided cheaper faster and easier method of communication, an alternative that has created, global audience. According to Thomas Friedman, in his book The world is flat states, Earlier one has to go to the post offices to send mails and other things but now, it is just a game of seconds that we sent mails and it reaches there the more accurately and with speed.  [2]   Internet is the major provider of information as what the various Internet companies like America Online (AOL), CompuServe etc allows individual to connect with the Internet with just modem to plug in. The capabilities of the Internet are such that we can define it as bidirectional mode of mass communication. It has created a kind of word of mouth networks in which individuals share their opinions, views, expressions and the cyber world gives them enough space for this bidirectional means of communication. Internet which is so much blossomed into this globalised world is also the result of the telecommunication or existing telephones, fiber-optics and satellite systems, was made possible by the technological innovation of packet switching, in which the individual messages are decomposed, transmitted by various channels, and then reassembled, virtually instantaneously, at their destination.  [3]   I, in this paper is taking up the issue of Internet and its impact on the globalisation from the (global) business standpoint and also bring into the socio economic effect and also the cyber crime that is taking place into the cyber world. And also tries to bring into it the digital divide . The growth of Internet in last few years has flabbergasted the most exhausted or lacklustre economy. Before starting with the whole oratory I would like to give a brief explanation on how Internet has its importance in the field of business and also into other fields. I would emphasise onto the importance of Internet as a means of Information and communication technology and also as means by which the whole world is getting connected 24 hours a day. Much of the Internet is used for the private as well as for the commercial purposes many uses them for simple source of entertainment. Although the dominant ideologies sustained largely outside the Internet, the growing communities of the cybercitizen s Netizens brings the views and expressions of people together and cyberspace give them the opportunity to express. As Hauben and Hauben (1997) refer to as Netizens: Net Citizens. It has created its own terminology in its own world such as search engines like google.com; Wikipedia .com etc. I would also like to include here that in the present world as we talk about Globalisation which is a growing phenomenon and that can be described as a shift towards a more integrated and interdependent world economy'(Hill 1997) However, the history of the term globalisation is not very new. After the world war in 1980s the West claimed that there is an end of the history. George. W. Bush the then, President of the United States said, countries would cooperate peacefully as participants in one worldwide market, pursuing their interests while sharing commitments to basic human values. The debate into the globalisation is still going on as some some defined it as the Americanisation, of the world t hrough mechanisms like WTO, IMF, and Mc Donalds all backed up by US power. In simple terms it is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies and governments of different nations, a process driven by the international trade and aided by information technology(Carnegie endowment) The term globalisation is defined in simple terms as advance of human cooperation across national boundaries but can also be defined as for the self interest and also for the global cooperation. Fukuyama has defined globalisation as modernisation. However there is still a debate which is going on about the different views of globalisation and are put forth that the globalisation is just a historical development or a myth? As David Held argues, Globalisation helds to deepening, widening and speedening up of world in all aspects of contemporary social life. According to the American Heritage, Globalisation is the act, process or policy of making something worldwide in scope or applicati on. However if I talk about the Internet and its impact on Globalisation from the global business point of view which is the topic of the paper then the first I would like to emphasise over the use of the Internet in global business under the regime of globalisation. The Internet is growing at the rate of 30% per annum in number of users, and 100 % cent per annum in hosts on Internet. It is expected that by then of the year 2000, the user base will touch 200 million. It is estimated that there are 7000 ISPs worldwide, mostly in the US. In fact more than 60 percent of the users and ISPs in the Internet world are in the US (Sinha 1999).  [4]   If I talk about ISPs in India then, India has the first dial-up e-mail network was set up between National Centre for Software Technology (NCST) and the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Bombay) in 1986, followed by connections to the US and Europe. In 1994, a satellite communication network for the Education and Research Network (ERNET) w as set up with the assistance from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The Software Technology Parks of India (STPI) and National Informatics Centre (NIC) opened the gates for Internet gates to software exporting companies and government agencies as well. And in August 1995, Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited (VSNL) introduced commercial Internet access in India.  [5]   If I look into the impact of the Internet on globalisation from business standpoint then I must first see that how the globalisation has changed the face of the business and make it internalisation of the business or trade and bring it into lot of ways. Leading market research firms have predicted that business-to- consumer retail commerce over the Internet, though amounting to almost nothing as late as 1995, will continue to grow at an astonishing pace and may exceed $100 billion by 2003 (McQuivey et.al., 1998) (I 1.pp1)* With the coming of Internet the new technology has grown up in the field of Information and technology is another accelerator for the mechanism of the Globalisation into the global business. And also if I look into it from the global economic perspective then can say that it also includes the WTO and the GATT agreements which includes the security of the data available at the Internet regarding the business and also for the other related issues. If I look into the trade in globalisation from the Information and communication point of view then before the internet the business was not on that exploring and expanding way as it is now after the introduction of Internet. There were just locals into the locals and the concept of global was there but not on large terms because the cost of making business was very high as the telecommunication charges were high as well as very few business opportunities were introduced, or I can say that the Internet has transformed the business from traditional supply chain to the electronic supply chain. Traditional Supply Chain Electronic Supply Chain 1.Electronic Data Exchange through telephone or fax Internet made it easy. 2.Long term Relationship Technology enabled relationships. 3. New Business opportunities were not there as the concept of on-line trading was not introduced. However in electronic supply chain it is very easy to access to increase the global interaction with people through various means of telecommunication 4. Management cost is also very high as for the maintenance of the data. Less Expensive. With the introduction of Internet in Global Commerce the business activities becomes fast. Accessibility to the data is available at anywhere anytime in any part of the world. Internet can be said as the fertile ground for the companies. During 1990s there has been an explosive increase in the presence of the company websites on the Internet, and an increasing sophistication in the ways that companies use the Internet for sales, public affairs, marketing and stakeholders relations.  [6]  Most of the dominant literature on the Internet is dominated by the prevalent discussion that puts Internet as a medium of business. Eg: A person in US wants to purchase a carpet from India, by giving order online on a website can easily purchase it. So Internet in one sense has made the global into local. As rightly defined by Mr.Clinton in 1997, new frontier for business, and no less a figure than the US President has described the internet as the Wild West of the global economy .  [7]  The companies made their corporate websites onto the Internet and retain the services of public relation firms for the services of the customers. It plays a role of the vehicle for the running of trade on Internet and also it provides a wider space too. The internet is no-space or a headspace, in which physical movement from site to site can only be described in terms of difference of experience (Mizrach 1997, italics in original).  [8]  The construction of the cyberspace on Internet is another issue for the cyber discourse. Bell and Valentine argues that, this may involve the appropriation of spatial concepts at scales ranging from the body to the global.  [9]  By this the companies target their consumers or their prejudices. Today the Internet industry has widened the scope of the business by providing its services a over the globe and at affordable and 24/7. The changing demographics of the Global economy states about the world output as, United States was the dominant industrial power in the early 1960s. It consists of 40% of the total world output in 1968 but 20% in 1997.  [10]   However the critique of the Internet into the global world is that while Internet Backbone Providers (IBPs), also called core providers, exchanged traffic at NAPs under so- called public peering agreements, smaller companies, ISPs, accessed the Internet via backbones. With increasing utilisation of the Internet these public NAPs became susceptible to congestion, resulting in delays and dropped packets. In consequences, large backbones began to directly interconnect with each other through so called private peering arrangements and started to charge transit fees for providing interconnection to private providers.  [11]   Downstream providers collect money at the edge of the Internet and buy connectivity from upstream ISPs or from backbones. However many authors has showed their concern about the concentration and market power in the core network. The problem has its source in 1997 when, starting with UUNET, top-tired IBPs began to refuse to peer with smaller backbone providers and to exclusively peer among each other under so-called non-disclosure agreements which means that peering conditions are kept secret. However , Milgrom and Mitchell and Srinagesh counter these concerns by arguing that a hierarchichally built Internet with a smaller number of core providers is cost effective since it is minimise both the routing and transaction cost.  [12]  This is very much helpful in business as it is cost effective and is provided at the affordable prices and also at the cheaper rates. Internet has removed the physical distances by bringing the world together not only in commerce but also in every sphere. Though it removes the geographical boundaries, it can be used as a tool for gathering the information as it can be indeed used as type of superhighway that connects a number of established networks with the individual system  [13]  , and can be used as a resource of obtaining incredible amount of information. With the Introduction of the Internet into the business a businessman can check the current position of the business anywhere and anytime around the world which was of course not possible earlier. As with the introduction of the various technological instruments like cellular phones, laptops etc and also with the innovative technologies like 3G and all in which the access of the information is just a click away. With chatting onto the internet Live or by emailing or by the current statics which is available online to the consumer s well as trade both can be benefitted. By using Internet as a tool it is easy to work all together as a wide network. As the information which is available on the internet can be trusted also but the debate is still going on this issue as some says that the information available can be trusted while the others say that it can be hacked over and the data can be misused and accessed for the private purposes. It has made the global business to become possible because for the smaller business it was not possible to go global before the internet but now it is possible by the way of online trading which leads to the internationalisation of the business. However the global digital divide has also expanded. As the Internet developed unevenly throughout the world, creating what has become known as the global digital divide. The number of Internet users is one of the most widely used indicatiors of development of this emerging medium of communication. Less than 10 %cent of the worlds population uses the Internet, and the gap between the developed and the developing countries has continued to widen since the early 1990s.(Figure.)* Statistics compiled by the International Telecommunication Union as of the end 2002 indicates that the Internet use as a proportion of the population ranges from less than one percent in many underdeveloped African, Central American and South Asian countries to between 50 and 60 % cent in Iceland, the United states, Scandinavia, Singapore or South Korea.  [14]   I would like to say that this is the major difference or demarcation which brings the digital divide into the world accessibility over the Internet. As the world which is underdeveloped cannot use the wide networks of the internet which brings commerce, communication and interaction with other parts of the world this still continues the topic for the debate into the globalised world. Global capalist forces generates profound inequalities between the developed core, the developing semi-periphery, and the underdeveloped periphery.  [15]   The most replicated finding into the literature is the communication media is that it is been used by people of the higher socioeconomic status. A long tradition of research in media studies conforms the so-called knowledge gap hypothesis.  [16]   It reflects that people of the higher status can use the internet at any cost however those who belong to the lower socio economic status cannot use it as frequently as can by the higher status. But statistics shows that it is increasing with the variety of empirical studies of the global digital divide using aggeregate data have found evidence to the effect that the average standard of living and the average educational level in the country- arguably the analogs of socioeconomic status of the individual level- are strong predictor of Internet use. Using individual level data gatheref in 24 countries, Chen, Bose and Wellman (2002) also found a strong correlation between socioeconomic status and Internet use.  [17]   This reflects th e digital divide that is prevailing into the globalised world. With such global digital divide the global trade is not possible upto certain extent because with this only a certain part of a world which is globalised and developed can access the commerce as well as all the benefits of the Internet and use it on their own terms and conditions. If I talk about the Global business through Internet then online trading is another fact that is taking place such as: amazon.com; reddiff.com; eBay. in etc. For online business, parties must be prepared to use the necessary technology. Organisation find themselves more easy to access the information about the consumers and contact them, and consumers can also access the information about their account online, many banks have also started online trading such as in India State Bank of India started the online trading through which a consumer can access the information about the transaction at any time and from anywhere. I would like to say that internet or the Information and communication technology has empowered the consumers to do everything and anything they need and want to know and to search for, they can compare the prices online and can bid over that. Internet also brings more transparency into the market and global customer will also increasing because of this and also their demands increases. Internet is a part of the institutionally complex, economically important, tightly regulated and highly politicised telecommunication sector. National telecommunication system and markets differs in their reach, quality and cost, which in turn are affected by the way in which regulation takes place, the ownership of companies active in the sector, and the intensity of competition. It is important to note that the competition can translate not only into lower prices (or costs of access and use to the user) but also in more service differentiation, choice and quality. Thus, policymaking in this area tends to have a large impact on the various dimensions of media access and use.  [18]   I can say on that policies are been made and regulated by the telecommunication department and it depends upon the accessibility of the consumer which policy is been accessed by them and it absolutely depend upon the family income of the consumer which plan or the policy is been accessed by them. The re are political conditions also which effects on the growth of the communication media, different social behaviour and the social relationships will leads to the different field of communication. It also depend upon their social circle as what various social networking sites like facebook.com; twitter.com; orkut.com do and tries to explore various new contacts which is beyond the existing. The growth of the internet worldwide is not just only because of the socio-economic status or its cost effectiveness but also the political and the sociological variables and also resources through which it is available to the whole world but also results and data shows that the digital divide is also prevailing into the world through which the whole worlds accessibility to the internet is not possible. If I talk about the impact of the internet in globalisation which is the topic of this paper from business standpoint is like when the other part of the world is not able to access the internet an d not able to get information regarding the online trading and commerce, it is another ongoing debate which is still prevailing into the global society. The Impact of Internet onto the Globalisation with the business standpoint states the competitiveness that has emerged into the global trading as the markets are openly accessed by the consumers have the choices to demand more. As the access to the internet is made possible for the people of the highly socioeconomic background is more than the access of the socially poor people shows the divide into the internet world and also its cost efficiency doesnt work into the world which does not have access to the Internet e.g: the developing world, which have less access into the internet cannot avail these opportunities as these are only available to the people of the developed world such as United States and the European countries. However internet has impacted the way in which services were offered and delivered. The relationship between the customer and the firm becomes more insidious here. The impact of the internet on globalisation is such that it also brings the concept of plagiarism and various other cyber crimes such as, eg: a book or an article is been written by an author is available online and someone has copied it from the book and use it by his or her name without giving reference is a matter of plagiarism. Secondly the server access is although possible to each and everybody through computers and unique IP (Internet Protocol) address through which we can browse the internet but there are few who hack the servers and use it according to their individual purposes. For which various measures are been taken by the Government of various countries and various regulatory measures are also been made but not implemented in the way it should be it also a topic of debate in this globalised world. Though servers can also be used to deny the service that has to be delivered. The government in order to control the cyber crime that has increased and still increasing, according to the Statistics of the US FBI, Incidents of the American Internet networks being broken i nto are rapidly increasing by 30% annually, making the US suffer tremendously.  [19]   The impact of the internet into the globalisation is been discussed into this seminar paper on the fields of global business, digital divide, socio-economic status, security and also the cybercrime. All these need a regulatory measure and its implications. Hegemonic uses of the Net include commercial applications, (Weis 1992; Cronin 1996) particularly advertising and shopping but also purchasing and marketing, in addition to uses by public agencies that legitimate and sustain existing ideologies and politics as normal, necessary, or natural.  [20]   However, the Internet also faces the counter hegemonic discourses, as all groups does not favour the use the use of the internet in all spheres of life. They refuse to accept the ideologies of those who believe to go with the opinion of the general public. Conclusion: In the entire oratory of Impact of Internet on Globalisation from a business standpoint, a global business is missing or been treated as business only through the developed part of the world. This crisis is constructed into the light of the digital divide especially when we are talking into the terms of e commerce or e trade or e business. However in my course of going through the reports and scholarly articles and books, I came to the conclusion that e business or e trade is possible only through the Internet but if this is not available to the developing countries and also because of the socio economic gap as only those can afford who have wealth and not to those who dont have. One more point can be added here as education or knowledge. Computer literacy can also become important criteria for internet knowledge. As Young argued that, Internet is both complex as well as easy and through Internet crosses the geographical and political divides and also it brings separation between pub lic and private social spaces and places. Once the Internet is opened it should be used as a tool through which information can be gathered and it should not used as an objective. And State should try to overcome with the challenges such as cyber literacy, and also to bridge the digital divide between the developed and the under developing world. Thus, we can conclude with the note that the impact of internet on the globalisation has both the negative as well as the positive impact as also the view of the critiques states the same, I through this paper would hope for the better policy and strategy by the idea and emergence of global village to tackle the problems which are prevailing into the world and must be isolated so that the entire world can access the Internet and business can help the developing countries also to come up from the state of under developed to the state of developed and also the hegemony of the e-trade must break from the hands of the developed countries.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Detective story discussion The Gatewood Caper by Dashiell Hammett. :: English Literature

Detective story discussion The Gatewood Caper by Dashiell Hammett. " The Gatewood Caper" --------------------- " The Gatewood Caper" by Dashiell Hammett is not just an exciting detective story; its characters are real and fascinating people who are just as believable now as when they were first created. ------------------------------------------------------------------- " The Gatewood Caper" is a detective story written by the writer Dashiell Hammett. It was written and set during the 1920s in San Francisco, Los Angeles, in an aristocratic setting. Harvey Gatewood is a rich businessman who finds out, his daughter Audrey has been kidnapped. He calls and hires a detective, the detective tells Mr Gatewood to pay the ransom. However Audrey doesn't return after the money has been paid and the detective grows suspicious that something is not quite right. He then goes in search of Audrey and finds her in an apartment with a man. Audrey begins to shoot at the detective through the door, but in the end both her and the man give up. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- " The Gatewood Caper" certainly is an exciting detective story. The writer has us guessing all through the story about who has kidnapped Audrey and wondering whom the villain could be. The detective in this story was only in the detective business for the money but he still used his observations and cunning to track Audrey down. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Good and evil were not easy to spot in this story as the theme was not as expected, the writer kept you guessing from beginning to end, not a typical detective story. I found that the story moved very fast and got to the point quicker than most, which held my interest as I knew it wouldn't be long till the conclusion. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Some parts of the story were unconvincing. I would have expected a villain, a heroine, and someone to get their just desserts in any other detective story but I found the ending a bit of a let down when I found out Audrey had kidnapped herself to punish her father. Although I did feel sorry for Audrey as her father was a bully as Hammett writes " He was a big bruiser of a man, something over 200 pounds of hard red flesh and a czar from the top of his bullet to the toes of his shoes." From this description we can understand why Audrey has a problem with her father, especially when he lost his temper what could she do with a man with that physique. Audrey was both victim and villain in this story, which was unexpected. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- However, Hammett puts as much skill into characterisation as he does into plot and suspense.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rawls View Of Ignorance :: essays research papers

Rawls' View of Ignorance Rawls theory of justice revolves around the adaptation of two fundamental principles of justice which would, in turn, guarantee a just and morally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the right of each person to have the most extensive basic liberty compatible with the liberty of others. The second principle states that social and economic positions are to be a) to everyone's advantage and b) open to all. A key problem to Rawls is to show how such principles would be universally adopted and here the work borders on general ethical issues. He introduces a theoretical "veil of ignorance" in which all the "players" in the social game would be placed in a situation which is called the "original position". Having only a general knowledge of the facts of "life and society", each player is to abide based on their moral obligation. By denying the players any specific information about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalized point of view that bears a strong resemblance to the moral point of view. "Moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudential standpoint of positing, a moral outlook merely by pursuing one's own prudential reasoning under certain procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints." Rawls proposes that the most reasonable principles of justice for a society are those that individuals would themselves agree to behind the "veil of ignorance", in circumstances in which each is represented as a moral person, endowed with the basic moral powers. What this position supports is that while each person has different ends and goals, different backgrounds and talents, each ought to have a fair chance to develop his or her talents and to pursue those goals - fair equality for opportunity. It is not a race or contest where the talented or gifted prevail, it should be complete cooperation among all so that there may be reasonable life for all. What the "veil of ignorance" brings out is that we can accept utilitarianism as a public conception of justice only if we are prepared to let someone be subject to conditions we would not be prepared to subject ourselves. However, it is not the responsibility of my actions to ensure the fulfillment of another persons goals. These principles create an equal distribution of the "pie", if you will, yet it is not attainable unless pursued or strived for. There is no room for idle observation, meaning, that while we all possess equal opportunity as we all are equally moral persons, the choice of what you wish to possess materially as well as intellectually is the discretion and capability of Rawls View Of Ignorance :: essays research papers Rawls' View of Ignorance Rawls theory of justice revolves around the adaptation of two fundamental principles of justice which would, in turn, guarantee a just and morally acceptable society. The first principle guarantees the right of each person to have the most extensive basic liberty compatible with the liberty of others. The second principle states that social and economic positions are to be a) to everyone's advantage and b) open to all. A key problem to Rawls is to show how such principles would be universally adopted and here the work borders on general ethical issues. He introduces a theoretical "veil of ignorance" in which all the "players" in the social game would be placed in a situation which is called the "original position". Having only a general knowledge of the facts of "life and society", each player is to abide based on their moral obligation. By denying the players any specific information about themselves it forces them to adopt a generalized point of view that bears a strong resemblance to the moral point of view. "Moral conclusions can be reached without abandoning the prudential standpoint of positing, a moral outlook merely by pursuing one's own prudential reasoning under certain procedural bargaining and knowledge constraints." Rawls proposes that the most reasonable principles of justice for a society are those that individuals would themselves agree to behind the "veil of ignorance", in circumstances in which each is represented as a moral person, endowed with the basic moral powers. What this position supports is that while each person has different ends and goals, different backgrounds and talents, each ought to have a fair chance to develop his or her talents and to pursue those goals - fair equality for opportunity. It is not a race or contest where the talented or gifted prevail, it should be complete cooperation among all so that there may be reasonable life for all. What the "veil of ignorance" brings out is that we can accept utilitarianism as a public conception of justice only if we are prepared to let someone be subject to conditions we would not be prepared to subject ourselves. However, it is not the responsibility of my actions to ensure the fulfillment of another persons goals. These principles create an equal distribution of the "pie", if you will, yet it is not attainable unless pursued or strived for. There is no room for idle observation, meaning, that while we all possess equal opportunity as we all are equally moral persons, the choice of what you wish to possess materially as well as intellectually is the discretion and capability of

Christian Mission to Muslims :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since September 11, the Muslim communities have been under siege by the media and the entire world. We have seen how the miss conceptions of Muslims have spread all over the media. As a Christian I begin to think that they should be treated as normal people. â€Å"When a radical fundamentalist, start a sect with ideas that differ from what the Muslim religion stands for, we begin to stereotype all the Muslims as the same. But when a Christian begins a killing spree a cross the nation, know one stereotypes all the Christians as one.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a Seventh Day Adventists Christian, I believe that we as a church body, we have to reach this people with compassion and understanding, because not all of them are evil like they are shown to be. I believe that ignorance is the root of hatred, an as Christians, we should be like Jesus, understand them, and cater to their needs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To be able to understand the Muslim mind we have to learn their background and how their religion was develop. Is hard to learn when you already have preconceived prejudices about Muslims, but that’s when we have to pray to God for wisdom, understanding, and an open mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Islam originated in the seventh century A.D. During this time, Islamic scholars were very fluent in the areas of physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, geography and medicine. Muhammed (570-632 A.D.) was the founder of Islam. He became an orphaned at the age of six, when he became a teenager he decided to join the merchants who traded goods from town to town along the caravan routes. He became a master trader for a businesswoman, then married the woman who was a widow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Muhammed was a man with a lot of spiritual insight, but he became depressed by the commercial greed and the excess of polytheism around him, he spent most of the time in seclusion and meditation. Muslims believe that while Muhammed was meditating in a cave, the archangel Gabriel appeared to him. The vision came to him first in 610 A.D. and thereafter at intervals over the next 22 years, revealing the word of Allah. Muhammed is believed to have been illiterate, for that reasons he dictated the visions to his companions who wrote them down. Then 30n years later the writings were compiled in the Koran. The Koran is the Muslims most holy book. Christian Mission to Muslims :: essays research papers   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Since September 11, the Muslim communities have been under siege by the media and the entire world. We have seen how the miss conceptions of Muslims have spread all over the media. As a Christian I begin to think that they should be treated as normal people. â€Å"When a radical fundamentalist, start a sect with ideas that differ from what the Muslim religion stands for, we begin to stereotype all the Muslims as the same. But when a Christian begins a killing spree a cross the nation, know one stereotypes all the Christians as one.†   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As a Seventh Day Adventists Christian, I believe that we as a church body, we have to reach this people with compassion and understanding, because not all of them are evil like they are shown to be. I believe that ignorance is the root of hatred, an as Christians, we should be like Jesus, understand them, and cater to their needs.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  To be able to understand the Muslim mind we have to learn their background and how their religion was develop. Is hard to learn when you already have preconceived prejudices about Muslims, but that’s when we have to pray to God for wisdom, understanding, and an open mind.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Islam originated in the seventh century A.D. During this time, Islamic scholars were very fluent in the areas of physics, mathematics, chemistry, astronomy, geography and medicine. Muhammed (570-632 A.D.) was the founder of Islam. He became an orphaned at the age of six, when he became a teenager he decided to join the merchants who traded goods from town to town along the caravan routes. He became a master trader for a businesswoman, then married the woman who was a widow.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Muhammed was a man with a lot of spiritual insight, but he became depressed by the commercial greed and the excess of polytheism around him, he spent most of the time in seclusion and meditation. Muslims believe that while Muhammed was meditating in a cave, the archangel Gabriel appeared to him. The vision came to him first in 610 A.D. and thereafter at intervals over the next 22 years, revealing the word of Allah. Muhammed is believed to have been illiterate, for that reasons he dictated the visions to his companions who wrote them down. Then 30n years later the writings were compiled in the Koran. The Koran is the Muslims most holy book.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Book design Essay

Introduction The purpose of this paper is to guide you through the process of writing your philosophy of education paper and to demonstrate the correct format. Use it as a template as you write your paper. This page shows you the layout of the first page. Observe how the title is first, followed by the Section Title, which is underlined, and that both are centered. Notice also that the paragraphs are left-justified and indented ? inch (Cruz & Smith, 2009). Also look at the page number. It is in the top right-hand corner of the page, between the edge of the page and the first line. It is set several spaces to the right of the running head. The page number and running head should be on every page, including the Title Page. Notice also that the page has a one inch margins all around. In your introduction identify the school of philosophy to which you belong. Are you a Perennialist, Progressivist (or Constructivist), Essentialist, Existentialist, or Social Reconstructionist? Are you a purist, border crosser, or eclectic? Your introduction should begin with a thesis statement (the first sentence of this paper is a thesis statement) and be followed by an explanation of why you have identified with a particular school of philosophy. At the end of the introduction, add a transition. This paragraph will introduce the four remaining sections: (a) satisfactions and challenges of the teaching profession, (b) scope of the teaching profession, (c) responsibilities and requirements of teaching, and (d) structure and hierarchy of the profession. It is not necessary to arrange them in this order. As you address each of the four areas (1) tell what you know about the indicator and (2) connect it to your philosophical perspective. Do not make broad generalizations or statements without documenting your source. Satisfactions and Challenges of the Teaching Profession In this section you will describe the pros and cons of teaching as a profession and career. Tables 1. 8 (p. 23), 15. 6 (p. 363), and 15. 7 (p. 364) can assist you in answering these questions (Henniger, 2004). You must also comment on how you will respond to the wide range of student diversity present in today’s classrooms (Tables 2.1 to 2. 3 and 2. 5 to 2. 7). After stating what you know (one or two paragraphs are sufficient), explain how this is related to your philosophical perspective. For example, as an Existentialist, do you perceive every student as an individual or do you prescribe to the Perennialist view that all students learn and grow in similar ways? In this paragraph, you may speak in your own voice as you relate what you know about the satisfactions and challenges of the teaching profession to your school of philosophy. Scope of the Teaching Profession  APA format requires that the entire paper be double spaced. There should not be extra spaces between paragraphs and sections. Notice once again that the section title is centered and underlined. The scope of the teaching profession includes disciplines, levels, settings, and roles of the professional educator. Select one or two of the following strands and write a paragraph explaining what you know. Table 5. 1 (Henniger, 2004) can help you address the ways the profession is organized. Document the structures charted in Figure 4. 1 and Tables 4.  2 or 4. 3 and state how schools are organized and what kinds of schools exist today. What kinds of services and programs are there for the diverse student population (Tables 4. 1, 4. 7, and 4. 8)? What kinds of curriculum are found in schools today and what factors have an impact on the curriculum (Table 7. 1, 7. 3 to 7. 7)? Be sure to include a statement about the roles a teacher plays (Tables 3. 2 and 3. 3). At the conclusion of this section, in a new paragraph, make a connection to your school of philosophy and explain why you think/feel this way. Do you support the Progressivist teacher who serves as a facilitator or the Essentialist teacher who dispenses knowledge and is responsible for motivating students? Responsibilities and Requirements of Teaching Begin by stating your legal responsibilities as a teacher (Tables 13. 3 and 13. 9) and your responsibilities related to social issues (Table 12. 8). Next talk about the specific skills a teacher should have (Tables 3. 4 to 3. 6), or the professional behaviors and attitudes effective teachers possess (Tables 3. 7 to 3. 9, and Table 5. 3). One or two well constructed paragraphs are all you need. To conclude this section, discuss your philosophy perspective. Are you a Social Reconstructionist who views schools as one of the best agents for initiating transformation in our society? Or, as the Existentialist, will you share your classroom responsibilities with your students in dealing with problems and conflicts? Structure and Hierarchy of the Teaching Profession In this section, describe the relationships between teachers and administrators, funding and governance. Most of this section will come from Henniger’s Chapter 14. Begin by describing how local school districts are structured, governed, and funded (Figures 14. 1 to 14. 3) and/or the relationship between state boards of education and the U. S. Department of Education (Figures 14. 4 and 14. 7). You could also talk about the relationship of teachers and administrators (Table 13. 1). Once you conclude your paragraph on the structure and hierarchy of the teaching profession, connect your views to your school of philosophy. Whether you are a Perennialist who promotes the classics, or a Social Reconstructionist with aims of making societal changes, you should explain why you think/feel this way. Conclusion In your conclusion, explain your current level of commitment to a career in teaching. The conclusion must support your thesis statement from the introduction. Before submitting your paper ask yourself: have I communicated clearly, convincingly, and consistently my philosophy of education? Have I used at least 3 professional books or journal articles to support my conclusions and ideas? Are my sources documented using the correct APA format? Did I support my point-of-view with appropriate research findings (this information is found in the professional reading you’ve done throughout this course)? Remember, your paper should be structured using the format of this model. Your writing should include an explicit line of reasoning and a clear focus with no redundancy. Your philosophy of education paper should be 4 to 6 pages of double-spaced 12- point font. Be sure to include a Title Page and paper clip of Rubric A’s score sheet to your finished paper. Do not put your paper in a plastic protector or notebook, a staple in the upper left corner is sufficient. If you have questions or concerns about APA format or assignment requirements, talk to your F200 instructor. We’re here to help. 1A running head is a printing term. It refers to the headers and footers you see in journals and newspapers when articles are longer than one page. The top of your Title Page should look exactly like the Title Page of this model paper. Beginning on page 2, the first page of text, and one every page thereafter, the running head is located in the upper right-hand corner. References Alfred, A. (2010). Surviving the APA requirement. American Research Journal, 47 (2), 75-83. Curz, M. J. & Smith, C. D. (2009). APA format for dummies. American Psychological Association Journal, 58. Retrieved July 1, 2010, from Academic Search Premier. Henniger, M. L. (2004). The teaching experience: An introduction to teaching. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. Henniger. M. L. (2008). Educational philosophies and you. (Rev. ed. ). Athens, OH: Universal Publications. Longfield, J. A. (1997). A survival guide for f200 students. Retrieved July 1, 2010, from http://www. iun. edu/~edujal/f200/survival. doc

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Change Management of Business Transformation Initiatives

FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE lore AND POLICY STUDIES CHANGE MANAGEMENT OF c atomic number 18 TRANSFORMATION INITIATIVES IN POS MALAYSIA By, NORAINI BINTI MOHD SALLEH 2008256926 grim NOR HAFIZA BINTI WAN ZAKI 2006100587 T commensu score of Contents TITLE paginate Chapter 1 Introduction1. 1 Introduction and soil of postulate1. 2 logical argument of the problem1. 3 search Objective1. 4 investigate Question1. 5 bena of contr make for1. 6 terminal point1. 7 musical arrangement of chapter 3-8 Chapter 2 literature Review2. 1 Overview of Organizational mutation Initiatives2. 2 executing achievement2. 2. Pre regulate apartd goals2. 2. 2 drug substance ab intentionr satisf operateion2. 3 metro to diversify2. 4 transmit Man epochment Initiatives2. 4. 1 leaders2. 4. 2 intercourse2. 4. 3 Training 9-18 Chapter 3 enquiry Methodology3. 1 explore manikin3. 2 sample3. 3 Research name3. 3. 1 selective teaching lay by of battle Method3. 3. 1. 1 Primary entropy3. 3. 1. 2 standby information3. 3. 2 Research questionnaire3. 3. 3 selective information abbreviation proficiency 19-22 Chapter 4 final import and Discussion4. 1 Overview of entropy stack away4. 2 relative frequency out distinction4. 2. 1 g termin user4. 2. 2 Age4. 2. 3 repose4. 2. 4 Location4. 3 Discussion4. 3. tube to kind and exploiter felicity4. 3. 2 unsusceptibility to modify and dissuademine goals4. 3. 3 Change counsel initiatives 23-29 Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation5. 1 Summary5. 2 Recommendation5. 2. 1 take Size5. 3 Conclusion 30-32 seed Chapter 1 Introduction 1. 1. Background of the story Most of the disposal Link Companies in Malaysia atomic number 18 essential to participate in the Government Link aloneiance re untesteding Program that was launched in May 2004 by the Malaysian government. This is part of an on expiry motility by the Government to develop and sire Malaysian economy.As one of the top 20 Government Link Companies, Pos Malay sia Berhad (Pos Malaysia) sended on a comprehensive sack program base on the Government Link Comp from each one rendering manual that was launched on 29 July 2005. Since then m whatever variational contrives were utilize to h gray-haired strong capabilities, modify performance, to a showtimeer place put on get out decision deal and achieve combative advantage. Moving forward, Pos Malaysia put in shoot for a five-year rendering conception in August 2009 which is intend to flip-flop the concourse into a much agile postal memorial t subjectt that is address- expeditious and customer-centric. umpteen of the faultal projects ar delivering world-shaking moderates that allude Pos line of products objectives. In Berita Harian Online (April 1, 2010), the Malaysias surpassing Malay daily, stated that Pos was among the acting Government Link Companies. This was reaffirmed by The sense consider Online (April 19, 2010), which reported the former group managing theater director and Chief Executive Officer Datuk Syed Faisal Albar has tell that Pos Malaysia Bhd expects its revenue to rise by 15% to 18% in each of deuce 12-month periods after its postal tariff bell ontogeny consents accomplishment on July 1 2009.In transforming government, Pos Malaysia employs diverse technologies to run its operation efficiently in browse to maintain its competitive edge. divers(a) projects such(prenominal) as the ultra forward- get winding hub (The Star Online, 2010), PITTIS, Sh ard Banking Services (Pos Malaysia yearbook Report, 2009), GIFTS (Pos Malaysia one-year Report, 2008) exploited Information form (IS) and postal latest utilize science. Therefore in rule visualise victorful victimisation of purchased technology, enhancing an superstars desire to consumption a stipulation sore technology is vital.Successful in doing this go away charter to broad(prenominal) productivity shaping. Ahmed Z. U. et al. (2006) mentioned in their explore that percentage of technology in any diversityal projects earth-closet be determined by metre productivity as the fundamental scotch amount woodpecker. They highlighted that the ability and impartingness of the employees to exploit and occupy impudentlyborn technology in their twenty-four hours-today operations argon the recognize chemical elements to ensure higher(prenominal) productivity. The return of investment of technology could be minimized whenever employees ref utilisation or exsert dopting new technology to fully utilize the potentials of the technology. The reluctance of employees could depend on how hercu tip off to understand, learn, or operate in mark to slang new technology (Rogers, 1962). And it in any case associate to the extent to which a somebody believes that by victimisation a authoritative technology exit result in free of effort (Davis, 1989). Therefore, protection to alternate of employee could be one of the reasons performance failures in transforming the strategys. Malhotra (1998) estimated that 70% of the Business Process Reengineering (BPR) projects fail.He alike stated that the about eventful obstacles be i. lack of sustained centering inscription and leading ii. unrealistic scope and views, and iii. ohmic opponent to diversity. Therefore, the prime objective of this admit is to get a line the compassionate birth amid resistivity to multifariousness and death penalty supremacy of transformation initiatives, as considerably as the moderate effect of permute trouble initiatives. 1. 2. Problem Statement Implementation achiever of transformational projects in any brass is very crucial.Many organisations ar essay in ensuring their organisational transformational initiatives such as Business Process Reengineering (BPR), endeavour resourcefulness prep (ERP), Lean Six-Sigma program etcetera argon self-makely apparat utilise. It is known that 70% of the Busin ess Process Reengineering projects had failed to deliver the intended aftermath (Malhotra, 1998). The approximately important obstacles be 1) the lack of sustained precaution lading and leadership, 2) the unrealistic scope and expectations, and 3) the opposition to reposition.At Pos Malaysia, unhomogeneous transformational initiatives were introduced since August 2009 as part of it strategic plan to build strong capabilities, advance performance, undertake better decision making and achieve competitive advantage as demanded by the stakeholders. In implementing all(prenominal) the initiatives, Pos Malaysia similarly faces the same problem as an new(prenominal)wise(prenominal)wise organization that embarked on organizational transformation efforts. Not all of the initiatives were advantageful implemented or progressing smoothly as per plan due to various components.Factors such as lack of sustained counsel perpetration and leadership, unrealistic scope and expectation s, and oppositeness to metamorphose (Maholtra, 1998) exist in Pos Malaysia. Especially movers that link to human because the transformational initiatives involve many a nonher(prenominal) pin downings on the way employees carry out their day-by-day operation. Many manual- eccentric operations ar press release to be replaced by dodging or machineries. Employees are required to accept the tacks and at the same clipping they in addition required to learn how to fit themselves in the new way of doing things.Therefore, the prohibit organizational repartee to transformational initiatives capital punishment i. e. electric foe to veer, fuel stick a biggest problem to Pos Malaysia in punish its transformational programs. In hunting lodge to over pass this problem, con current reassign worry initiatives potentiality and ascertain impedance to stir go away armed service go on Pos Malaysia in implementing transformational initiatives. 1. 3. Research Questions B ased on the problem rehearsal stated above, the following look for questions deplete been unquestionable a) Is at that place any granting immunity to deepen in the organization? ) Do employees satisfied with the project implemented? c) What is the come to of subway to assortment on transformational projects execution of instrument succeeder? d) Do kind focal point initiatives influence the affinity of shield to channel and instruction execution success? 1. 4. Research Objectives The research objectives are elaborated by each covariant as follows a) To determine protection of reassign in the organization? b) To determine employee satisfaction of the yield of implemented project. ) To raise the human relationship amidst safeguard to potpourri and carrying into action success d) To examine the commute counsel initiatives influence on relationship of resistance to modify and murder success. The expectation of this earth-closetvas is that it subject ma y help in increasing the capital punishment success in service organization i. e. Pos Malaysia. The outcome of this take pass on refund a list of cistrons that are responsible for employees resistance to transform, provide a broadsheetment besidesl for the assessment of resistance and produce a model for reference by other scholars nd future researchers. 1. 5. Signifi notifyce of the Study This composition is evaluate hopes to provide crucial supposititious and practical contri scarcelyions in the field of variety show way. Theoretically, this theatre should provide guidelines for the organization especially in service organization on how to manage resistance to convince legally and practical contribution on operation of organization especially in field of transfigure circumspection. 1. 6. Scope and Limitation of the Study The scope of this study is relates to slaying success of the completed transformational initiatives in Pos Malaysia Berhad.The other factors take in this study are employee resistance to win over and change vigilance initiatives in the organization. The study has several limitations that compulsion to be considered. The study uses a specimen drawn from a population of Pos Malaysia employees in Klang Valley. This population may not be fight downative of writ of execution success on transformation initiatives in general. Therefore, the actual carrying into action success result by means ofout Pos Malaysia comprehensive could not be measured accurately due to demographic, geographic and psychographic differences that become a constraint (e. . varies of position, job and initiative availability) to this study. 1. 7. Organization of Chapter This research has been organized into five chapters. The starting signal chapter is an introduction of the research and explains the statement of the problem, role of the study, assumptions of the study, research questions, signifi disregardce and the limitations of the study. T he second chapter presents a recapitulation of relevant literatures on the subject. soma topics were reviewed for the study.Some of the topics studied were death penalty success, resistance to change and change focussing initiatives. The third chapter explains the methodology for the research employ for the study. In-depth explanation and rule have alike been specified for the use of spate questionnaires for the study. In chapter three to a fault explains the measurement tools and methods for questionnaires administration. The forth chapter consists of the outline, conclusions and results obtained from the study. The final chapter presents an overview of the research findings derived from the tudy with a series of recommendations. Chapter 2 Literature Review 2. 1 Overview of Organizational Transformation Initiatives The avocation environment has become progressively complex and changes the marketplace from local place setting to a global one. Constant push is applied o n the wariness to improve competitiveness by lowering direct cost and improving logistic. For the case in Malaysia, the Malaysian government is promoting organizational transformation efforts to all public listed companies under its stable.Through Khazanah Nasional Berhad, all Government Link Companies have to embark on a comprehensive transformation program open up on the Government Link Company Transformation Manual that was launched on 29 July 2005. There are various slipway an organization could transform how they should improve their business. Some may adopt the principles and techniques of total quality charge and re-engineering (Llana, 1998) or embark in Enterprise imaging Planning frame (to manage the efficient and good use of resources such as materials, human resources, finance, etc. (Nah, F. F. nd Lau, J. L. , 2001) or adopt various latest accountancy systems which acronyms such as ABC/M, EVA and TOC (Cooper and Kaplan, 1988 Johnson and Kaplan, 1987). Many organi zations have responded with enthusiasm, adopting them with varied results. A full-size proportion of corporations venturing into business crop transformation succeed at the initiation and externalize phases. At this fix up, it did not require betrothal of various aims of employees in the organization. The difficulties occur during the stage of capital punishment of the transformational projects (Davenport, 1998).During this stage, many concourse were rumpleed and require a comprehensive change focal point initiative. About half of Enterprise Systems (ES) projects fail to achieve hoped-for benefits because managers underestimation the efforts manifold in managing change (Pawlowsiki and Boudreau, 1999). Researches from away scholars have proved that virtually BPR failures are more(prenominal) ca apply by the mouldes of carrying into action preferably than those of the creation itself (Klein et al, 2001). A comprehensive change focus model provide look not only in ensuring take for from employees but it also provide relent the resistance to change as well. . 2 Implementation Success The measurement of information systems success in organizational transformation effort has been researched for over thirty days (Zviran & Erlich, 2003). There are various ship canal of measuring the carrying out success of any transformational projects. Markus & Tanis (2000) stated that the definition and measurement of execution success of Enterprise alternative Planning (ERP) is very much depending on who gear ups it. For instance, project managers and performance consultant oftentimes define success in terms of complementary the project on time and indoors budget.The old management on the other hand would prefer to translate the implementation success in term of bottom-line of pecuniary statement. Enzweiler Group summarized other measures of implementation successes ground on people improvements, bring improvements, and system implemented (ht tp//www. enzweiler. com/faq/managing. html). People improvements cover measurement of new scientific discipline sets, learning the skill to use new system. On surgical operation improvements, the measurement of meliorate resource utilization, improved relationships, or cost diminutions can be utilize to determine the implementation success.For instance, reduction in inventory from USD5 million to USD1. 5 million or reduction in customer service errors from 4% to 1%, or eliminate transaction process time in the payroll and human resource department. However, measuring directly on the success of an information systems success has been put up to be impractical and perhaps impractical because of intangible costs, and benefits of it are difficult to recognize and convert to monetary equivalent (Galetta & Laderer, 1989 Ives et al. , 1983).For the decide of this study, the cardinal measures of implementation success to be used are preset goals and drug drug substance absubstanc e ab drug user satisfaction. 2. 2. 1 influence Goals This first measure was adopted from Hong and Kim (2002). The shape goals were delineate as the leg of deviation from project goals in terms of the evaluate cost overrun, archive overrun, system performance deficit and pass judgment benefits. This type of measurements was derived from the project implementation perspective. Oliver, Whymark, & Romm, (2005) rationalized this type of measurement as appropriate to indicates a clear istinction of why certain systems are deployed and the nature of their intended effects. The minimum set of success metrics of project implementation should include project metrics, primal operative metrics, and long-term business results (Markus and Tanis, 2000). In this study, the influence goals of the projects were chosen as one of the implementation success unsettled. 2. 2. 2 User happiness Employee or user satisfaction has authorized widespread acceptance as a substitute measure of infor mation systems success (Wu et al, 2002).This measure represents important feedback from the people who experience the system performance in their casual operation. Nolan and Seward (1974) advocate that user satisfaction is the most feasible and practical tool for evaluating the success of information systems project implementation. Powers and Dickson (1973), Holsapple, Wang and Wei (2005) recognized that user satisfaction as one of the key factors thats busheling the success of implementation of management information systems projects.Ives, Olson, and Baroudi (1983) and bird and Torkzadeh (1988) had developed several models to measure user satisfaction, including the user information satisfaction instrument and a 12 items satisfaction End User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) instrument. Following this suggestion, productive organization transformation implementation success measurement should be evaluated based not only on cost of self-control and quantifiable benefits, but should also take into account the time required to implement the technology and also user agreeable in terms of satisfaction.Therefore in this study, as for the second implementation success measure, user satisfaction method was adapted from Doll and Torkzadeh (1988) because the instrument had been used widely and has been formalise through several confirmatory analyses and constructs rigorousness tests. 2. 3 Resistance to Change Change has always been utter to be the eonian thing in life. Changes can be triggered either from within or exterior the system. Change in many organizations may result from mergers, acquisitions, implementation of new technologies, cost-cutting, rightfulness sizing, etc (Grover, 1999).Therefore, any resistance from employee can affect the changes intended in an organization. Resistance to change has been research for over than fifty old age. Zander (1950) defined resistance to change as a behavior which is intended to protect an individual from the effec ts of real or imagined change. piece another scholars, Folger and Skarlicki (1999, p. 36) defined resistance as Employee behavior that seeks to challenge, disrupt or overturn prevailing assumptions, discourses and power relations.Chawla and Kelloway (2004) said that resistance may be viewed from two different angles which were attitudinal and behavioral replys to change. They defined resistance as a phenomenon which can deter the boilersuit change process, either by delaying or slowing down its beginning, or obstructing or hindering its implementation, and also increase its costs (Ansoff, 1990). The employees arent really resisting the change, but kinda they may be resisting the expiration of status, pay or comfort (Dent and Goldberg, 1999).In his studied, Zander (1950) mentioned that resistance occurs due to six primary reasons as follows a) the nature of the change is not make clear to the people who are going to be influenced by the change b) the change is open to a wide tr ansmutation of variants c) those influenced intuitive feeling strong forces deterring them from changing d) the people influenced by the change have rack put on them to make it kinda of having a say in the nature or direction of the change e) the change is made on personal intellect and f) the change ignores the existing registered governance in the group.Major failures have been recorded for a vast major(ip)ity of Systems Applications and Products (SAP) and Enterprise imagination Planning (ERP) implementations. A majority of these failures were greatly connected to shortcomings regarding managing employee resistance (Aladwani, 2001). Resistance to change can be considered as important factor in determining the success of organizational change. Hong and Kim (2002) in their research related to precise success factors for Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system implementation make up that by lowering organizational resistance will increase the chances of success in implem enting system.According to Pawlowsiki and Boudreau (1999), about half of Enterprise System (ES) projects failed to achieve its business objectives because of underestimation the efforts mired in managing change. In a new-fangled study on impediments to winning ERP implementation, Kim, lee(prenominal) and Gosain (2005) suggested five slender impediments as follows a) passage of arms of interest b) inadequate human resources loyalty c) lack of organizational change management expertise d) business processes not reengineered to take advantage of ERP and e) resistance of users. In their study, B. Fowke and D.Fowke, (1991) summed up resistance to change as a manifestation of heathenish values and cultural strengths. They also concluded that resistance is an artefact of corporate culture and is largely unconscious. Because of this nature, resistance and cultural variables generally are problematic to understand. In order to facilitate a smooth transformational or change efforts i mplementation such as ERP, BPR, structure, etc. organizations essential be able in stiff change management as well as manage any resistance to them. Hence, lower organizational resistance is anticipate to increase implementation success of transformational projects. . 4 Change caution Initiatives Research from retiring(a) scholars have proved that most business process transformation failures are more caused by the processes if implementation rather than of the novelty itself (Klein et al, 2001). Summer (1999) arrange that many ERP implementation failures have been caused by lack of condense on the soft issues such as the business process and change management. darn Appleton (1997) and Pawlowski and Boudreau (1999) estimated that half of ERP projects failed due to try underestimating the efforts knotted in change management.An appropriate change management model will swear out not only in ensuring that employees are backinged in the change process but also the resistanc e to the innovation will be cushioned. In order to establish an effective and a prospering change management by changing the behavior of individuals, Kotter (1996) suggests the following eight pitfalls a) allowing too much complacency b) failing to constrain a sufficiently powerful command coalition c) underestimating the power of spate d) under communicating the vision by factor of 10 e) permitting obstacles to block the new vision f) failing to create short-term wins ) declaring victory too soon and h) neglecting to anchor changes unwaveringly in the corporate culture. Grover et al (1995) indicated how critical is an effective change management in implementing new technology and business process reengineering. Without an appropriate change management processes, enterprise may not be able to adapt to the new systems and to capitalize on performance gains (Kim et al, 2005). This can be further extended to inculpate that positioning an organization with adequate and finely-tuned change management processes and procedures nurtures innate changes more effectively.Acknowledging the pack for a change is very important as the stronger the choose for change, more and more top management and stakeholders will embrace change management initiatives to ensure success of the implementation of change. Norris et al (2000) pointed out that the tools of management for change are leadership, confabulation, training, planning, and incentive systems. They argued that these tools can be leveraged and are able to exact great obstacles with token(prenominal) efforts when applied properly. 2. 5. 1 LeadershipLorenzi et al (1999) writes that no matter how amplify a scientific implementation can be, an absence of effective leadership can actually neglect all efforts. Clarke et al (1996) discovers that an individuals resistance to change maybe made perfects if his interest is organism threatened in the proposition for change. To track employee resistance to change, lead ership essentialiness involve employees to experience the need for the changes in effect (Pawar & Eastman, 1997). Organizations cannot separate effective leadership and their roles in accomplishing change management (Kotter, 1996).However, there are still many organizations do not envision the edifying and political roles championed by management in the implementation of change efforts until there is a major failure (Huq et al, 2006). 2. 5. 2 Communication Communication is considered as one of the most critical success factors in implementing change (Waddel and Sohal, 1998). The manager and the project team mustiness communicate and consult regularly with the employee to make change happen. Communication during change is often a bigger task than can be imagined.Stuart (1996) reports that there are confabulation principles that can be adopted such as message repletion (the more it is repeated, the less probably employees can forget), use of variety of media, face-to-face prefer red, opinion leaders and personal relevant information rather than an abstraction. Every employee must be given the opportunity to be mingled in all aspects of the change and they must be given the opportunity to provide feedback. 2. 5. 3 Training Training in change management has always been one major factor that is crucial to implementation of successes (Russo et al, 1999).According to a finding by Moore et al (2000), there is a direct relationship in the midst of training and the touch it has on a companys productivity. The report explains that employees who are trained more often are better able to sue resources at their disposal more effectively. The team that lead and involved in business process transformation needs to be trained in problem solving and communication from a initiation stage (Huq et al 2006) so that they can be better on the politics and resistance factors (Lientz et al, 2004).Training in this regard should involve all employees involved in the change proc ess, be order towards skill enhancement and ensure that the new skills are implemented quickly and negligent into the system. In most cases, resistance has come as a result of changes in the line of command. In other instances, exaggerated leverage and cost saving benefits of the new technology is emphasized with less and little regard to retraining employees required for all transformational projects (Grover, 1999) Researcher such as Aladwani (2001) has used change management strategies as a moderator in his research framework.This is also logical with other researchers (e. g. , Al-Mashari and Zairi, 2000 Aladwani, 1999) that responsiveness to internal customers is critical for an organization to avoid difficulties associated with the change. In this study, change management initiatives will represent the moderator variable. . Chapter 3 Methodology 3. 1 Research Framework This research explores and examines the relationship resistance to change and implementation success, and how change management initiatives act in the capacity of a discuss role. The theoretical framework for this study is presented in Figure 3. . The in hooklike variable (IV) of this study is only one which is resistance to change. Resistance to change for this model refers to 1) employee resisting to change, 2) cases of blaming occurrence, 3) employee persist old ways of doing thing, and 4) people wishing change to fail. This study framework requires two aquiline variables (DV). The two dimensions of implementation success will become dependent variables. The first DV is regulate goals. Predetermined goals refer to cost, timeline, performance and expected benefits of the implemented project.User satisfaction is the second dependent variables (DV). User satisfaction refers to user note utilize system, user satisfaction gain, and user satisfaction on the output of the system. In this framework, change management initiatives will act in the capacity of a moderating role. This study will examine on how well the moderator variable affects the relationship of the IV on the DV and interacts with the IV to predict outcome scores. The moderator variable refers to leadership, communication and change readiness. Implementation success * Predetermined goals * User satisfaction Resistance to changeChange management initiatives Figure 3. 1 Conceptual Framework This framework will use statistical moderation technique or graded regression analysis. The change management initiatives such as acquiring the employee involved, attending to employee concerns, and making in stock(predicate) support group will mitigate the effect of resistance to change and enhance implementation success. Early user involvement in the approach pattern and implementation of new business processes as well as extensive top-down and cross-functional communication may generate enthusiasm for ERP (Stratman and Roth, 2002).Wee (2000) advocated that establishing a support organization such as help des k, online user manual, etc. is also critical to meet users needs and manage organizational change. Norris et al. (2000) pointed that the tools of management are leadership, communication, training, planning and incentive systems. They argued that these tools can be leveraged and are able to remove great obstacles with minimal efforts when applied properly. As such in this study we establish the following hypotheses- 3. 2 Research Design A descriptive research design was used in this study.In addition to compile descriptive data about resistance to change and implementation success, the study will investigate change management initiatives impact on the relationship of nonparasitic variable and both dependent variables. The variables in the study were identified through a review of relevant research literature. The research provided insights and an in-depth sympathy of the topic and problems, which would result in the recommendations of incumbent steps that could be undertaken. 3. 3 information Collection (Sampling and Procedures)In this quantitative research we are using primary data collection, specifically for this research, by survey technique. The survey is using a set of questionnaires which developed for this research. The survey research is chosen because it is one of the most important areas of measurement in applied fond research. The unit of analysis is individual, which mean the eligible employee of Pos Malaysia. 3. 4. 1 Sampling universe of discourse The selected respondents represent a balanced mix of employees from various level that affect by the organizational transformation project in terms of they carry out their day to day function.The population of interest in this research was the employees of Post Malaysia Berhad. 3. 4. 2 Sampling Size The target sample for this study is employees who work in Klang Valley that involved in business transformational projects in Pos Malaysia. In this study, 130 questionnaires will be distributed and to be used as a have to test reliability of this study. 3. 4. 3 Data collection Data collection used in this study was cross-sectional analysis which takes place at a single point in time.Cross-sectional studies are used in most branches of science, in the social sciences and in other fields as well. Cross-sectional research takes a composition of customers satisfaction target group and bases its overall finding on the views or behaviors of those targeted, presumptuous them to be typical of the totally group. 3. 3. 4Data Analysis Technique This section describes methods to be used in the data analysis. The data amass was analyzed with the Statistical Package for societal acquirements (SPSS) Version 18.Initially, the data was coded in numerical order before it was entered into the statistical program. Subsequently, the data was screened and treated for errors and missing values. The various statistical technique used were descriptive analysis namely factor analysis, reliability analysis, coefficient of correlation analysis and hierarchical regression analysis. oftenness tables were generated to provide frequency and percentages of demographic characteristics of respondents. Chapter 4 Results and Discussions This chapter is dedicated to the analysis of data collected through questionnaire.The main objectives of the study were to look at the strong relationship between employee resistance to change in Pos Malaysia and implementation success with change management initiatives as the moderating roles as shown in the theoretical framework. The data used in this study were gathered from Pos Malaysias employees, one of the major service organizations in the country. 4. 1 Overview of data collected One deoxycytidine monophosphate thirty (130) copies of questionnaires were distributed but only one hundred twenty four (124) feedbacks received from respondents. The percentages of respondents feedback were 95. 0%, while 4. 60% did not respond. after(prenominal) t he coding processes were completed, all 124 questionnaires were ready to be analyzed. The data collected were analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) Version 18 and discussed individually in the following order (i) frequency analysis, (ii) factor analysis, (iii) reliability, (iv) correlation analysis, and (v) hierarchical regression analysis. This study also discussed thoroughly the relationship between the resistance to change and implementation success that might contribute to research finding.Besides, respondents demographic profile was also analyzed in order to examine the pattern of employees preferences and their interpretation of implementation success according to the variables. 4. 2 relative frequency Analysis This section illustrates the demographic profile of the respondents. The questionnaire included a incision on employees profile, as an assortment of demographic and other factors were likely to influence the degree of implementation success of t ransformational projects in Pos Malaysia. 4. 2. 1 Gender set back 4. 1 represents respondents based on their gender.The result shows that 71 respondents or 57. 3% of the whole respondents were male. Apart from that, 53 respondents were female or 42. 7% of the whole respondents. evade 4. 1 relative frequency widening of answerings Gender Gender Frequency share Valid share cumulative share Valid manlike 71 57. 3 57. 3 57. 3 Female 53 42. 7 42. 7 100. 0 congeries 124 100. 0 100. 0 4. 2. 2 Age Result from the card 4. 2 shows that the sample employees were mostly in the age group below 35 years (54. 0%). From the table age between 36 40 years is 12. 9%, 41-45 years is 16. % and above 46 years old 16. 1%. Table 4. 2 Frequency Output of answerings Age Age Frequency Percent Valid Percent accumulative Percent Valid 20-25 16 12. 9 12. 9 12. 9 26-30 27 21. 8 21. 8 34. 7 31-35 24 19. 4 19. 4 54. 0 36-40 16 12. 9 12. 9 66. 9 41-45 21 16. 9 16. 9 83. 9 46 20 16. 1 16. 1 1 00. 0 Total 124 100. 0 100. 0 4. 2. 3 Position Result shown in Table 4. 3 indicates that 84 respondents were predominantly the front line employees (68. 5%), followed by 31 respondents were supervisors (25. 0%), 6 respondents were managers (4. %) and, only 2 respondents were senior management staff (1. 6%). This implies that respondents represent the actual user of the outcome from the transformational projects. Table 4. 3 Frequency Output of Respondents Position Position Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid senior management 2 1. 6 1. 6 1. 6 management 6 4. 8 4. 8 6. 5 supervisory 31 25. 0 25. 0 31. 5 operational/clerical 85 68. 5 68. 5 100. 0 Total 124 100. 0 100. 0 4. 2. 4 Location It was obviously indicated that most of respondents were set(p) the operation sites (80. 6%). And 19. % of respondents were from the headquarters of Pos Malaysia. The result shown in Table 4. 4. Table 4. 4 Frequency Output of Respondents Location Location Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative Percent Valid HQ 24 19. 4 19. 4 19. 4 Others 100 80. 6 80. 6 100. 0 Total 124 100. 0 100. 0 4. 3Discussion Many corporations embarked in transforming their organization in order to become competitive. confused transformational initiatives were deployed such as BPR, ERP, Lean Six-Sigma, fork out Chain anxiety etc. but, relatively little research has been conducted about the implementation success.In this study, contradict organizational response was show related to the implementation success to transformational initiatives. Resistance to change was negatively related to user satisfaction, but positively related to predetermined goals. Another authoritative finding was change management initiatives are not qualify as a moderating variable in both relationship of resistance to change and implementation success variables. As recommended by Hong and Kim (2002), change management initiatives can be treated as an independent variable to predicting the suc cess of transformational initiatives.In general, organizations must in earnest deploy an effective change management to generate buy-in or ownership level of commitment of their employees in order to ensure success of transformational projects implementation. In the next section, more in-depth discussion of the results will be carried out. 4. 3. 1Resistance to change and user satisfaction As mentioned in the previous chapter, resistance to change was found negatively related with user satisfaction. The finding is consistent the research carried out by Hong and Kim (2002) and Ahmed et al. (2006).In the case of high resistance, the employees will feel wretched with the changes obligate on them. This berth will shape an employee with low satisfaction. An unhappy employee is not good for the organization because they are less productive and more likely to have higher absence rate (Corporate Leadership Council, 2003). This result indicates that management must effectively establish a lean and user-friendly new processes or system when transforming organization. This can be done by ensuring an effective process reengineering exercise during early implementation phase.During this exercise, management should include the affected employees in the team that design new processes or system. The outcome of the process reengineering must pay more attention to the end user (people) and emphasize more on human issues. This suggestion is consistent with proposal made by Holsapple et al. (2005). 4. 3. 2Resistance to change and Predetermined goals Another significant result found in this study was the positive relationship between resistance to change and predetermined goals. This finding was against the study made by Ahmed et al. (2006).The result interprets that high deviation of the pre-set goals will emerge whenever resistance to change is high. It indicates that high resistance able to influence timeline, cost management or benefits realization during implementation of transformational projects. A project that took longer time to complete or high cost overrun, or difficult to realize the benefits can be said experiencing with high resistance employees during implementation. Organization must be competent in effective change management that involves the affected employees to accept the changes in order to facilitate a smooth ERP implementation (Ahmed et al. 2006). The information about the transformational projects which include cost, timeline, deliverables and expected benefit should be made available and clearly communicated to affected employees. Ahmed et al. (2006) also tell that any effort to educate users through a structured program will overcome resistance issues during implementation. 4. 3. 3Change management initiatives Although change management was found not moderated the relationship between resistance to change and implementation success, it still remains critical for implementation of any transformational projects.Change management has a significant relationship to implementation success and resistance to change. This study shows that an effective change management is able to increase user satisfaction and also will assist in achieving all predetermined goals. It means that change management plays an important factor in ensuring the success of implementation. Change management initiatives were also found to have a negative relation with resistance to change. This result is consistent with Ahmed et al. (2006) study.They stated that change management initiatives will help in reducing the negative impact whenever there is resistance among employees. Kim et al. (2005) suggested that change management should not only carried out by the project team, but also to others. Therefore it is important for the senior management team to play active roles in change management initiatives. Change management tools such as leadership, communication, training, planning and incentive can be leveraged and are able to remove any re sistance during implementation of the changes (Norris et al. , 2000). Chapter 5 Conclusion and Recommendation 5. 1 SummaryThe main objective of this study is to examine various factors that contributed to the implementation success of transformational initiatives in service organization, which is Pos Malaysia. The studied factors were resistance to change, change management initiatives, predetermined goals and user satisfaction. A total of 130 sets questionnaires were distributed to various sites in Klang Valley and 124 sets (95. 4%) sets were returned. All data was analyzed by using SPSS ver. 18 software. In this study, all hypotheses were tested with hierarchical regression analysis to determine it significant level of DV, IV and MV relationship.As a result, two out of the four unavailing hypotheses were rejected. Table 5. 1 shows the summarization the findings of this study. 5. 2 Recommendation Since that not many studies were being made in organizational change, followings are the list of recommendations for future research. 5. 3. 1 Sampling size Future study should include respondents from other service organizations either at regions or state in order to obtain more robust results. The outcome will able to generalize the research results to the whole population of service organizations in Malaysia. 5. 3 ConclusionIn this study, resistance to change had been examined and sustain as a critical factor in explaining implementation success of transformational initiatives. The management should keep resistance as low as possible in order the success in implementing transformational projects. In addition, this study also found that change management was not act as a moderating variable in relationship of resistance to change and implementation success. Although it is contradicted result from previous researches particularly change management initiatives as moderating variable.These results can be concluded as accurate in Pos Malaysias perspective since each o rganization has different demographic profile that affects implementation success. Overall of the study revealed that the human factor such as employees acceptance of the changes imposed to them, as well as catch of objectives and benefits of the changes are the important issues in implementing organizational changes in service organization, specifically Pos Malaysia Berhad. These issues if not seriously anticipated may lead to development of negative organizational response in the organization.Finally, in order to overcome this problem, the management should embark on a structured program to educate the user about the potential benefits of the new processes or system. This may in many ways able to reduce the potential resistance and increase the likelihood of a successful implementation of any transformational projects. Reference Ahmed, Z. U. , Zbib, I. , Arokiasamy, S. , Ramayah, T. & Chiun, L. M. 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